Monday, July 17, 2006

That's It! I Have Had It With These Motherf***ing Snakes On This Motherf***ing Plane!

You can prety much guess what movie that's from.

Speaking of SoaP, there is a theme song for it and it is incredibly catchy and i think i like it even more than Liz does. It's incredibly catchy, i said it again. You know why? Because it's true. Listen to it RIGHT NOW! I'm not kidding whatsoever.

Yesterday was horribloe. I set out to find the SWC DVD. I saw it for $40 on Wal-Mart's website, then found out, whilst in the store, that no selling besides groceries until 1:30. It fuels the fire for my neverending hatred of Wal-Mart. It was the same price on Target's ewebsite, they didn't have it there at the store. So, i went home, sat on the copma, ordered it online. I should have it tomorrow. And if not...

1) "It's gonna work, i just know it."
"So, you've done something like this before?"
"Oh, hell no! But i think it's going to work."

- Firefly

2) Currently tracking: My Sweet DVD

3) Current mood: Happy because my frozen pizza is good.


weas said...

I'm going to see that movie if for no other reason than to see Samuel L. Jackson taser a snake in the face. PURE. OWN.

Darren Hicks said...
