Thursday, August 31, 2006

Anticipation and Ernie

I'm eagerly awaiting my oppurtunity to get AD Season 3, and the anticipation is almost killing me where i stand. A blooper reel, people!!!! Oh, i'm slivating just thinking about that little nugget alone. I need some sort of therapy.

As you may have heard or read. Tropical Storm Ernesto is climbing up the coast, and i just wanna let you all know that Columbia isn't getting any of it, just rain and such. I'm OK! Alright?

1)"Files don't just disappear."
"They do if you drop them down an elevator shaft."

- Dead Like Me

3) Thought: "I don't know what that is."

NOTE: No 2 'cuz i added the thing again.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

But I Can't Think of Anything!

I need to blog today, but i can't think of a title. Godblessit.

We have to write a child's storybook in Creative Writing. I'm excited. I can't think of a plotline, but it's about Billy the Chicken (a little Weird Al Show reference).

I can count to 100 in French. Ain't you just the proudest?

1) "I'm telling you guys, if you made me king, we'd be rolling in it! And i mean rolling in it!!"

- Cartoon Planet

2) Currently listening to: The Queen and I by Gym Class Heroes

3) Thought: "Liz better be out of the shower."

Monday, August 28, 2006

Remember That Thing I Said? I Does!!!

Not too long ago, i stated that next weekend, i would get AD S3 and Hellogoodbye's CD. I LIED! I got Hellogoodbye, but not AD 'cuz it's not out yet. I also bought, get this...................................................

Scroll down.

A BOOK! I bought Assassination Vacation by Sarah Vowell. It's really interesting. And you learn historical facts.

So, PE killed me today. My kness were hurting so bad that i could hardly walk up and down stairs without deep hurting! I was horrible. Drama is tomorrow, so that'll be awexome.

1) "Dethklok has awakened an ancient troll."
"That's ridiculous, there's no such things as trolls."
"Then how do you explain all the dead unicorns?"

- Dethklok: Metalocolypse

2) Currently listening to: Shut Me Up by Mindless Self Indulgence

3) Thought: "This song totally owns my face."

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Twenty People.

1) List 20 things that you want to say to people, but never will.

2) Don't say who they are.

3) Never discuss it again.

4) No order.

1.) You fucked with my sister. I hate you too for what you did. They could've been very happy, and you fucked it up. I hate you.

2.) I hate your guts sometimes, but you are awesome.

3.) You are the most annoying SOB I might have ever met. You don't know when to stop. I want you to shut up and leave us all alone, but you think I'm your friend. I have no idea how to break it to you nicely that you are about to drive me insane.

4.) I haven't seen you since we moved, and i really want to.

5.) It's been too long. I'm REALLY sorry I haven't called you in so long. I have no excuse, and it's kind of dickweed-ish, and I'm so sorry.

6.) I think you are really cool. I think we could be really cool friends.

7.) I'll come back for you. In four more years. I'll be back, i swear.

8.) If you are real, why do you let so much suffering happen to people who haven't done anything in their lives to deserve it?

9.) You need to end this right now. Very quickly. This is getting ridiculous.

10.) You are incredibly pretty, and you never talk to me. It would be nice if that changed.

11.) The things you write are amazing. I wish i could tell you that.

12.) You are trying to ruin our industry and you just need to shut your mouth because nobody cares what you say. Everybody hates you.

13.) You probably don't like me at all, but i think you are an okay person.

14.) You are awesome, but i wish you weren't a stupid racist.

15.) It's only a matter of time before everyone sees who and what you are, and then you'll disappear.

16.) You are so right.

17.) I think you are an idiot sometimes and i don't want to be like you. I think i am though. I'll probably realize later that you were the best ever.

18.) I know you hate me, but you are pretty cool.

19.) You made me cry, and you are the teacher. People all know you are a horrible person, but they can do nothing to remove you from your high horse.

20.) You are a stupid spoiled whore and i hope you vanish.

Friday, August 25, 2006

It's Been a Week, Sorryzzz!

I apologize for the lack of updates. School sucks = excuse.

I had my first pep rally today. It sucked SO BAD! But it kinda flew by and ended. I sat with Liz and a couple of her and My friends. That made it a little better.

In Theatre this week, we were given a choice of scenes, and we were only given our characters and plot outline, and we did improv, Reno 911!-style! It was awesome. We didn't finish though, we will Tuesday.

I have officially decided what I'm gonna do next weekend. Buy Hellogoodbye's CD and AD S3! I'm so anxious for next weekend!

1) "That's right, i said galvanized nails!"

- Building a Deck

2) CL2: Philosiphy by Ben Folds

3) Mood: Giddy

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

at-Swey III: The Phys-Ed Terror

I had real PE today. We didn't do anything in the first 5 minutes, but they didn't have the air on in the gym, and i was sweating like a mofo. We ran two laps, stretched for a while, and did the FitnessGram test. We took our height and weght, did push-ups and calculated our body fat percentage and BMI. That's all.

By the way, I have started a new blog. Darren's Cash-Tastic Purchase Review. I haven't posted yet, but it's sure there. I review my purchases. That is very exciting, right? I know, right???

1) "Do you ever knock?"
"There's no door."

- Psych

2) CL2: Don't Download This Song by Weird Al Yankovic. (It's on his MySoace page...for free download!)

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Will Ferrell's New Movie - "Stranger than Fiction" (Trailer)

His new movie looks like one of his best, and stars other major stars such as Dustin Hoffman. All I can say is wow...

read more | digg story

An Apology to a Former Semi-Enemy

I'm sorry G4. I know you have your many flaws, The Man Show, and Fastlane to be specific, but I wanna say sorry.

I recently saw a commercial, starting September 4th, they will show Arrested Development. Could this be the start of something bigger and better? Let's hope so, people.

We have to recite monologues for Theatre and i'm doing a dramatic one from Scrubs. I really hope i make mny teacher proud. I think I'm pretty good. Let's hope so, people.

1) "My name isn't Tom Hanks. My real name is Hank Toms."

- Late Night with Conan O'Brien

2) CL2: Why by Elefant

3) Smell: Cookies

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

No! Polylogue!

We have to memorize and preform monologues in Theatre. I havent't decidced on mine yet. No suggestions! I've got it narrowed down!

So, due to O&M, i have no PE tomorrow! Yayness.

1) "I don't like when juice wears tights!"

- Dane Cook

2) Currently listening to:

3) Though: "This song roawkx"

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Corwin, You Absolutely HAVE TO SEE THIS!!!

Wanna see Jack Thompson get yelled at? Yes you do. Watch NOW DAMMIT!

This right here

I'm Gonna Win!

Saw Talladega Nights today, it was pretty hilarious. That is all.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

New Shirts, New Crap and Crazy Mallies

Saturday was a pretty crazy day for me. I was woken up an hour earlier than i usually do, and went to Bojangle's for breakfast. I went back to sleep after eating, as soon as i woke up, i was rushed into lunch, then the mall to get more clothes for school. I went to Hot Topic (where else?), and got a Panic! At The Disco shirt and a Killers shirt. And i got some jeans from Sears. then we went to Best Buy and i finally got Black Holes and Revelations, the deluxe edition with the live DVD, and it was well worth the money. I also got Brak Show Vol. 2, and Super Monkey Ball 2. I've watched all of the Brak Show episodes already. Yep, all 14. They're only 11-12 minutes each.

That's about all.

1) Liz: "I accidentally dropped popcorn down my shirt, should i get it?"
Me: "No one would pay to see that show."

2) Currently listening to: Face Down by the Red Jumpsuit Apperatus.

3) Current thought: "blank"

Wednesday, August 9, 2006


  1. Biology: Ms. McDonnell. Everyone got in trouble because they didn't bring their books. Blah blah blah.
  2. Theatre I: Ms. McKenna. She's hilarious, and i thinks she likes me already. Pretty awesome.
  3. Algebra 1: Ms. Hazelwood. She's an OK lady. We took a pretest.
  4. World Geography: Mr. Pipes (sp?). He's a pretty cool guy. OK.

That's the business.

1) "Anyone coming to my party Friday night? We're serving hot fruit!"

- Strangers With Candy

2) Currently listening to: Take Your Mama by Scissor Sisters

3) Currently rocking aut.

Tuesday, August 8, 2006

The High School is a Non-Relaxing Weekday Getaway Where You're a Cut Above All The Rest, Sick Posers on First-Name Basis With All the Top Idiots

Today, my friends, was my first day of high school. It went down as follows:

  1. Advisory: Mr LeClair. He's a pretty cool guy i guess., He's French-Canadian, so he's obnoxious and dull. Oh, that Triumph the Insult Comic Dog cracks me up. But actually, he's a cool guy.
  2. French: Mr. LeClair. Same teacher, so i got to stay in his room. Pretty fun. People made idiots of themselves because they weren't paying attention. I have a couple of friends in there too, which is cool.
  3. Creative Writing: Ms. Gourdine. She's pretty cool, and funny. I think I'll have fun in this class.
  4. P.E.: Coach Waits. Holy crap, this looks like it's gonna be brutal. I have to get a uniform too.
  5. English I: Ms. Spann. She's an OK lady. Class seems pretty simple.
That's it. I'll give you the info on my other classes tomorrow. A and B day schedules kinda suck.

When school was over, it started raining really hard. But we got a ride home, so that was good. It's bright out again now.

1) "Allow myself to introduce...myself."

- Austin Powers

2) Currently listening to: Snakes on a Plane by Cobra Stareship

3) Feeling: Very wet. I got a rain shower.

Sunday, August 6, 2006

A Pretty-Pretty Good Video: Treadmills, Not Just For Working Out Anymore

OK Go have done a music video for their song, "Here it Goes Again" dancing on treadimills. I just had to post this, I'm sorry. I watch this once daily. It is simply wonderful.

Friday, August 4, 2006

at-Swey 2: Electric Boogaloo or The Most Awesomely Gore-riffic Movie in All the World...Ever!

So, i went to the Freshman Academy on Friday. I got my schedule and textbooks I have 5 books, that consist of:

  1. Biology
  2. French
  3. Literature
  4. Algebra
  5. Geography
It was udder Hell carrying them home with Liz, even though i only carried three. It was hot. And i really do mean that.

Yesterday, it was storming like crazy. Raining really hard, thundering loudly, and Anyway, Me and Mom watched the Evil Dead. I had recorded it off IFC the night before. It was awsome, and crazy disgusting. I tells ya, that Sam Raimi is one sick mofo. But i like it!

1) "Look man, i either saw, or read, or [mumbles fast] heard it from The Cheat [normal tone] that it was the latest style!"

- SB Email: Pizzaz

2) Currently listening to: Hoodoo by Muse

3) Thought: "Taco salad for dinner!"

Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Timing It Out

Season 3 of Arrested Development comes out on the 29th, so i am timing it out, watching one episode a day. Although, i'm on the 6th episode, out of the 40 in the first two seasons. So, i plan to have me a marathon today. It'll be fun!

You know what's a shame? It's been out for a month, and i haven't yet gotten Newsradio: Season 4! What's up with me? Actually, i was saving money for Strangers With Candy. I have enough money now, but i won't be able to get The Brak Show: Volume 2 next week.

Two weeks from today, The Weird Al Show comes out! Can you wait? Nope, i knew it.

1) "I'll be back in a shortly."

- Strangers With Candy

2) Currently listening to: Map of the Problematique by Muse

3) Thought: "This song reminds me of Depeche Mode"