Tuesday, August 8, 2006

The High School is a Non-Relaxing Weekday Getaway Where You're a Cut Above All The Rest, Sick Posers on First-Name Basis With All the Top Idiots

Today, my friends, was my first day of high school. It went down as follows:

  1. Advisory: Mr LeClair. He's a pretty cool guy i guess., He's French-Canadian, so he's obnoxious and dull. Oh, that Triumph the Insult Comic Dog cracks me up. But actually, he's a cool guy.
  2. French: Mr. LeClair. Same teacher, so i got to stay in his room. Pretty fun. People made idiots of themselves because they weren't paying attention. I have a couple of friends in there too, which is cool.
  3. Creative Writing: Ms. Gourdine. She's pretty cool, and funny. I think I'll have fun in this class.
  4. P.E.: Coach Waits. Holy crap, this looks like it's gonna be brutal. I have to get a uniform too.
  5. English I: Ms. Spann. She's an OK lady. Class seems pretty simple.
That's it. I'll give you the info on my other classes tomorrow. A and B day schedules kinda suck.

When school was over, it started raining really hard. But we got a ride home, so that was good. It's bright out again now.

1) "Allow myself to introduce...myself."

- Austin Powers

2) Currently listening to: Snakes on a Plane by Cobra Stareship

3) Feeling: Very wet. I got a rain shower.

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