Monday, August 28, 2006

Remember That Thing I Said? I Does!!!

Not too long ago, i stated that next weekend, i would get AD S3 and Hellogoodbye's CD. I LIED! I got Hellogoodbye, but not AD 'cuz it's not out yet. I also bought, get this...................................................

Scroll down.

A BOOK! I bought Assassination Vacation by Sarah Vowell. It's really interesting. And you learn historical facts.

So, PE killed me today. My kness were hurting so bad that i could hardly walk up and down stairs without deep hurting! I was horrible. Drama is tomorrow, so that'll be awexome.

1) "Dethklok has awakened an ancient troll."
"That's ridiculous, there's no such things as trolls."
"Then how do you explain all the dead unicorns?"

- Dethklok: Metalocolypse

2) Currently listening to: Shut Me Up by Mindless Self Indulgence

3) Thought: "This song totally owns my face."

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