Friday, August 25, 2006

It's Been a Week, Sorryzzz!

I apologize for the lack of updates. School sucks = excuse.

I had my first pep rally today. It sucked SO BAD! But it kinda flew by and ended. I sat with Liz and a couple of her and My friends. That made it a little better.

In Theatre this week, we were given a choice of scenes, and we were only given our characters and plot outline, and we did improv, Reno 911!-style! It was awesome. We didn't finish though, we will Tuesday.

I have officially decided what I'm gonna do next weekend. Buy Hellogoodbye's CD and AD S3! I'm so anxious for next weekend!

1) "That's right, i said galvanized nails!"

- Building a Deck

2) CL2: Philosiphy by Ben Folds

3) Mood: Giddy

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