Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Timing It Out

Season 3 of Arrested Development comes out on the 29th, so i am timing it out, watching one episode a day. Although, i'm on the 6th episode, out of the 40 in the first two seasons. So, i plan to have me a marathon today. It'll be fun!

You know what's a shame? It's been out for a month, and i haven't yet gotten Newsradio: Season 4! What's up with me? Actually, i was saving money for Strangers With Candy. I have enough money now, but i won't be able to get The Brak Show: Volume 2 next week.

Two weeks from today, The Weird Al Show comes out! Can you wait? Nope, i knew it.

1) "I'll be back in a shortly."

- Strangers With Candy

2) Currently listening to: Map of the Problematique by Muse

3) Thought: "This song reminds me of Depeche Mode"

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