Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Half of Me

So, i had no scrubs bottom. So i went on Halloween as a half-doctor. By went, i mean, went to school.

Second period today was interesting. The weirdest substitute in the world decided it was his day to invade my life.

My fourth period had to leave and we had to go to a different room with a new teacher. She was alright.

After school rehearsal ended early and the teacher gave me a ride home! Why? Because she is that cool.

In closing, today was pretty frigged up.

1) "Just wanna say, i hate you all, and i bet there is something i can bust each and every one of you motherlovers for. That's not why i'm here. Let's watch a flick."

- Strangers With Candy

2) Currently wanting: Good birthday

Sunday, October 29, 2006

If You're Gonna Be A Dog Then At Least Be A Good Dog.

C'mon now and sit boy sit!

That's from the Dandy Warhols song "Smoke It". And i love it.

So i expect to have another crappy birthday this year. We're having xome sort of money problem, so i expect only some things. Small things. But you never know, i could get some sweet green from family. Friends might give a damn about me too. That'd be great.

So, this weekend has been somewhat good. I got some DVR stuff outtathaway [The Vines/} like North Country and some Dead Like Me episodes. I only have 2 more left! Sad, it died before it's time.

So, last night's episode of SNL might've been the best one in years. Hugh Laurie/Beck + cameo by Borat = wow.

1) Oh yeah, that was the title.

2) Currently watching: Firefly - The Complete Series

Friday, October 27, 2006

The 15th Script

There was apparently a script for the 15th episode of Firefly which never got shot. Would any of you kids like to see it?


I Now Only Resort To Phonetics

So, i had the idea of titling this post Re Her Sull. That is pretty lame. I'll try to steer my post titles as far away from phonetics as i can. Just kidding. Sometimes that can kick such major arse.

So, rehearsal was great yesterday. I did some blocking, interacted with Milo (the guy playing the Jonathan to My Dr. Einstein in the play)and the guy who plays Teddy, i don't know his name. Pity.

Friday, everybody! Wednesday means i turn 15. Quinze. 1-5. I have no more.

Also, yesterday i tought my 2nd period class how to play Quick Change, and we played alot of it. Awesome-ity, 'twas, 'twas.

So, yesterday, i saw a trailer for The Nomi Song, a documentary on Klaus Nomi. I was fascinated by the trailer and am now interested in his music. Does anyone have any? Probably not.

1) "Get to the part where you pee!"

- MST3K: Poopie!

2) Currently watching: DiG!

3) Current drinky: Diet Cheerwine

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Zool, Nay, Zill!

Yeah, if you have a cold, you know what kicks major arse?

Nasal spray.

Walgreen's Nasal Mist to be exact. It worked like pixie magic on me. There! A cure!

Unfortunately, that is all i have to convey.

Oh, wait. One week from today is my birthday. Ad i may change my costume from Gob to JD from Scrubs. I already have the scrubs top, and i can just do that. Alright, done now.

1) "Hey, Marzipan, this is all your friends calling you to tell you we hate you! And you owe us some money! And you said you'd bake us a cake!"

- Marzipan's Answering Machine 12.2

2) Currently wanting really badly: Wonder Showzen Season 2 and The Office (UK) Complete Series

3) Funny song: Sex Changes by The Dresden Dolls

Sunday, October 22, 2006

The Cheat? Where's My Puke Pail?

Actually, i don't need one yet. Fortunately.

I'm sick, everybody! How effing awesome is that? Not as great as you might think. I hate being sick. It sucks on ice.

I've a;ready done one of my rituals. I watched Sick Day on my Homestar Runner DVD. Now I need to go make me some hot tea. I make alot of that. It kinda helps.

And something odd, Weasel is also semi-sick. Huh...

1) "Seamus, i told you my toys are not playtings! Can't i have anything for my own in this house? Godblessit!" [long pause] "Let's eat!"

- Strangers With Candy

2) Currently listening to: Pink Bullets by The Shins. (New Shins CD in January!!!!!)

3) Currently blowing my nose with: Paper towel!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Save Ferris (For Last)

Today was special.

We went to the fair. It was pretty good, surprisingly. We got there and got something to eat right away. I had some awesomely breaded corn dog. Yeah. Then we went inside some building to see if Mom's jewelry had won anything. It was on the top shelf, dead center. She didn't win anything, but that was pretty cool. Then we went around all the buildings and saw some cows, took Lucy to the petting zoo, then rode things. Soemthing similar to the Rock and Roll at Oaks Park. Also, Starship 4000, that was awesome. Whenever you moved your arms, they felt 12 feet long. Then, the ferris wheel, then got an elephant ear, then went home and got Sonic for dinner. It was fun times.

So, tonight John C. Reilly is hosting sNL with musical gues My Chemical Romance. I hear next week is Hugh Laurie and Beck, so that'll probably be awesome.

Tomorrow starts new episodes of Aqua Teen Hunger Force, which is also awesome.

We have school off on Monday, which is triple-awesome.

Oh, on Halloween, my costume is planned. GOB from Arrested Development. I'm gonna get a white shirt, black pants, get lighter fluid to shoot out of my arm, or pennies. It wil be...awesome...

1) "I'm not only hoping to solve this heinous crime, i'm praying to find this heinous culprit. I will pray to Thor himself."

- The Office (US)

2) Currently watching: Stella: Season 1 commentaries

3) New coolest songs ever: Metro by the Vincent Back Shadow
Special by Mew
Lying Through Your Teeth by Head Automatica

Thursday, October 19, 2006


Thought i was really MIA? Well, let me explain.

Dad gave an internet time limit. Well, a computer time limit, but it's all the same.

So, lstely in Theatre class, we've been playing improv games all the live long days. Today, i had plans to teach the class how to play ASSSSCAT. But the theatrewas occupied by test takers. Of which there were only about 10. Can you say, "Get a classroom?" So, we used the room and did a short easy assignment.

So, I'm feeling semi-shitty. All the people i have asked to go to the fair with me has either: Already gone or clearly not interested. Someone help me. Anyone from OR wanna fly out and go?

Speaking of OR, yesterday was my 1-year anniversary of my last day at JB Thomas Middle School. Read in Oct. 2006 for the whole story of the day.

1) "There are many great things from America. Rugby, chicken marsala, Chinese people..."

- Stella

2) Currently watching: Scrubs: Season 3

3) "Aw...pretty lyric."

Monday, October 16, 2006

Say Goodbye to Me, I'm Goin' MIA

Well, report cards are coming out tomorrow. My grades are as i see them. I only know s:

French: 51
Creat. Writing: 60
PR: 80 (?)
English: 57
Biology: 42
Theatre: 90 (?)
Algebra: 77
Geography: 90 (?)

Even though i am being told I'm improving well, dad will freak out and ground me. I will have my freedoms taken away, thus me not blogging in while.

I'll say a fond farewell to you all and i will talk to you whenever i can.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

My Favorite Al Videos Vol. 1

Yeah, here it goes.

So Glad To Be Invited...

Yeah, so, i would have blogged yesterday, but Dad had to freak out.

I have Google Talk, which gives me noifications everytime i get a new email. Dad was online and saw something:

You have been invited to join a virtual sex group!

Oh, that tricky spam. It said it was a Myspace group too. Guess what? I checked my Myspace which also tells you if you've been invited to a group, nothing! It said absolutely nothing. So, yeah, all that for...nothing.

So, I've made a tremendous stride. A couple of days ago...I asked a girl out to the fair. Yeah, i know, right? I didn't get a response so i asked her the next day 'cuz we hasd play rehearsal, and she said she had a wedding to go to this weekend, so, i asked her about next weekend, and haven't gotten a response yet. I'm waiting for another excuse. [sigh]

1) "Enjoy those tacos now, in the year 9595, they'll all be illegal. I think you know why."

- Aqua Teen Hunger Force

2) Currently listening to: Ta-Dah by Scissor Sisters

3) Thought: "How can i tell you about my loved one?"

PS: Season 1 of Saturday Night Live has been announced with cover art! Every single episode. Every sketch and musical guest. 8 discs. Crazy, right? But frickin' awesome.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I Guess It's Time...: Gifty McListy-List-List-List

Yeah, my birthday grows nigh. Here are my wishes for gifts and things.

  1. The Office (UK) - Thge Complete Series
  2. some kinda shirt
  3. The Crane Wife - The Decemberists
  4. Sifl and Olly: Song of Season 1 [cinderblock.com]
  5. other things...?

I Think You're The One Who Should Get a Job.

I was sort of reminded of the flash animation Badenture today. By the way, if ya haven't seen it yet, it's pretty funny. You can find it on ABS.

We were waling (that's me, Liz and Krysta) home and three complete douchebags say to Krysta, "Hey, emo chick, do you like Jesus?"

First of all, what the hell?

Second, NEVER use any word if you have no idea what it means, let alone the term "Emo". If anything, she's wannabe goth. Just because she has long black hair and black nails doesn't make her anything. I think they were in my grade too. Those dickweeds really think they have it like that. I think Liz is going to do something to her hair today and give them a peice of her mind. This will be awesome. I'm so happy I'm gonna be there!

1) "Strong Badia Action Cool News 5, we're investiga-awesome!"

- Sb Email (Local News)

2) Currently wanting to watch: DiG!

3) Currently celebrating the fact that i play my keyboard through the TV.

Monday, October 9, 2006


Y'know what's a good combo? root beer and rice cakes.

Unfortunately, that's all for now.

1) "Oh yeah, all gay people hate that place."

- Family Guy

2) Currently wanting to watch: DiG!

3) Today's drink: Root Beer

Sunday, October 8, 2006

Was Anyone Reading It? Nope!

I'm talking about Darren's Cash-Tastic Purchase Review. Yeah, what a hilariously stupid idea that was.

So, school is tomorrow, so is Theatre class, which, if you read before, is the shiznit.

We are in groups and we have to teach a lesson out of the theatre textbook and it's actually prety cool, because my group is teaching a lesson on improv games. Cool, right? No?! Why not? (You wanna buy a computer?)

So, tonight, Liz and Mom are going to go to some reception for the people who are in the competeion at the fair. Mom entered a work of jewelry in the Art competition, if that makes sense.


1) "I'm a sexy ghost!"

- Sifl and Olly

2) Currenly listening to: The smooth sounds of NASCAR on the TV.

3) Today's video: Ep 1 of Spaced

Fall and Look

With the new Fall TV season upon us all, one would ask, "What does Darren watch?" I tell them this:


8:00 The Class (CBS)
8:30 nothing :(
9:00 Heroes (NBC)


8:00-8:30 nothing yet, might be filled in by Scrubs(?)
9:00 Veronica Mars (CW)


8:00 30 Rock (NBC)
8:30 Twenty Good Years (NBC)
9:00 Lost (ABC)


8:00 My Name is Earl (NBC)
8:30 The Office (NBC)
9:00 I watch nothing while the rest watch Grey's Anatomy (ABC)


I don't think we watch anything on Fridays...huh...


11:30 SNL


8:00 The Amazing Race
9:00 Desperate Housewives (It's good again!)

That's it, real post coming soon.

Friday, October 6, 2006

I Need Advice...

So yesterday, some random chick came up to me and hugged me, then walked away.

Today, the same girl did it again and told me her teacher was my mom. Those who know me that much will know that my mom is a legal secretary.

The question: If i ever see her again, what do i do? Do i say "Leave me the hell alone" or roll with it?

1) "I'm here to work on some cold cases. Gung gung!"

- The Office (US)

2) Currently watching: O Valencia! - The Decemberists

3) Today's theme song: O Valencia! by the Decemberists

Wednesday, October 4, 2006


A real post this time, stop complaining, jeeze!

Alright, so, i think i may be doing better than i have been doing in school. I've actually turned in some work for Biology, and Creative Writing. Though i still have no idea what's happening.

I have now discovered i hate my vision teacher's guts. First of all, she's really old and has no idea what she's doing, she doesn't even know to not say certain things around the autistic child. She has no clue how to do anything. Second, she wants me to get notes from every teacher saying if I'm caught up on my work or not. Does she not fucking trust me? If so, why the Hell not? God, i really cannot wait to get out of her hair forever. And she wants them on her desk by the end of school by 3:00 on Friday. I swear, i want to break something. I never go anywhere near there on Friday.

Does she not talk to the teachers at all? Here i was thinking she sould use a phone, but i guess i was sorely mistaken.

Besides, this happens every damn year and there's nothiong i can do to stop it, it's like a subconcious thing i have absolutely no control over. I wish i did, i really do. I hate having to go through this. Every goddamn year.

Not in the mood for Dailies. I need to pass out for a few seconds.

It's Really About Time I Do Something Like This

Ben Folds - cover of Such Great Heights

Psapp - Hi

Weird Al - AL TV clip

Clarence asks people in Harlem what makes them angry. From Wonder Showzen.

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Yup...It's True...

Dane Cook talks about how every video is on YouTube.

Test: Go to YouTube search engine, punch keyboard twice, there is a video for that.

EDIT. YouTube removed the video because NBC wants to be dickweeds.