Thursday, October 19, 2006


Thought i was really MIA? Well, let me explain.

Dad gave an internet time limit. Well, a computer time limit, but it's all the same.

So, lstely in Theatre class, we've been playing improv games all the live long days. Today, i had plans to teach the class how to play ASSSSCAT. But the theatrewas occupied by test takers. Of which there were only about 10. Can you say, "Get a classroom?" So, we used the room and did a short easy assignment.

So, I'm feeling semi-shitty. All the people i have asked to go to the fair with me has either: Already gone or clearly not interested. Someone help me. Anyone from OR wanna fly out and go?

Speaking of OR, yesterday was my 1-year anniversary of my last day at JB Thomas Middle School. Read in Oct. 2006 for the whole story of the day.

1) "There are many great things from America. Rugby, chicken marsala, Chinese people..."

- Stella

2) Currently watching: Scrubs: Season 3

3) "Aw...pretty lyric."

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