Tuesday, October 10, 2006

I Think You're The One Who Should Get a Job.

I was sort of reminded of the flash animation Badenture today. By the way, if ya haven't seen it yet, it's pretty funny. You can find it on ABS.

We were waling (that's me, Liz and Krysta) home and three complete douchebags say to Krysta, "Hey, emo chick, do you like Jesus?"

First of all, what the hell?

Second, NEVER use any word if you have no idea what it means, let alone the term "Emo". If anything, she's wannabe goth. Just because she has long black hair and black nails doesn't make her anything. I think they were in my grade too. Those dickweeds really think they have it like that. I think Liz is going to do something to her hair today and give them a peice of her mind. This will be awesome. I'm so happy I'm gonna be there!

1) "Strong Badia Action Cool News 5, we're investiga-awesome!"

- Sb Email (Local News)

2) Currently wanting to watch: DiG!

3) Currently celebrating the fact that i play my keyboard through the TV.

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