Friday, October 27, 2006

I Now Only Resort To Phonetics

So, i had the idea of titling this post Re Her Sull. That is pretty lame. I'll try to steer my post titles as far away from phonetics as i can. Just kidding. Sometimes that can kick such major arse.

So, rehearsal was great yesterday. I did some blocking, interacted with Milo (the guy playing the Jonathan to My Dr. Einstein in the play)and the guy who plays Teddy, i don't know his name. Pity.

Friday, everybody! Wednesday means i turn 15. Quinze. 1-5. I have no more.

Also, yesterday i tought my 2nd period class how to play Quick Change, and we played alot of it. Awesome-ity, 'twas, 'twas.

So, yesterday, i saw a trailer for The Nomi Song, a documentary on Klaus Nomi. I was fascinated by the trailer and am now interested in his music. Does anyone have any? Probably not.

1) "Get to the part where you pee!"

- MST3K: Poopie!

2) Currently watching: DiG!

3) Current drinky: Diet Cheerwine

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