Sunday, October 22, 2006

The Cheat? Where's My Puke Pail?

Actually, i don't need one yet. Fortunately.

I'm sick, everybody! How effing awesome is that? Not as great as you might think. I hate being sick. It sucks on ice.

I've a;ready done one of my rituals. I watched Sick Day on my Homestar Runner DVD. Now I need to go make me some hot tea. I make alot of that. It kinda helps.

And something odd, Weasel is also semi-sick. Huh...

1) "Seamus, i told you my toys are not playtings! Can't i have anything for my own in this house? Godblessit!" [long pause] "Let's eat!"

- Strangers With Candy

2) Currently listening to: Pink Bullets by The Shins. (New Shins CD in January!!!!!)

3) Currently blowing my nose with: Paper towel!

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