Saturday, October 21, 2006

Save Ferris (For Last)

Today was special.

We went to the fair. It was pretty good, surprisingly. We got there and got something to eat right away. I had some awesomely breaded corn dog. Yeah. Then we went inside some building to see if Mom's jewelry had won anything. It was on the top shelf, dead center. She didn't win anything, but that was pretty cool. Then we went around all the buildings and saw some cows, took Lucy to the petting zoo, then rode things. Soemthing similar to the Rock and Roll at Oaks Park. Also, Starship 4000, that was awesome. Whenever you moved your arms, they felt 12 feet long. Then, the ferris wheel, then got an elephant ear, then went home and got Sonic for dinner. It was fun times.

So, tonight John C. Reilly is hosting sNL with musical gues My Chemical Romance. I hear next week is Hugh Laurie and Beck, so that'll probably be awesome.

Tomorrow starts new episodes of Aqua Teen Hunger Force, which is also awesome.

We have school off on Monday, which is triple-awesome.

Oh, on Halloween, my costume is planned. GOB from Arrested Development. I'm gonna get a white shirt, black pants, get lighter fluid to shoot out of my arm, or pennies. It wil be...awesome...

1) "I'm not only hoping to solve this heinous crime, i'm praying to find this heinous culprit. I will pray to Thor himself."

- The Office (US)

2) Currently watching: Stella: Season 1 commentaries

3) New coolest songs ever: Metro by the Vincent Back Shadow
Special by Mew
Lying Through Your Teeth by Head Automatica

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