Sunday, October 8, 2006

Was Anyone Reading It? Nope!

I'm talking about Darren's Cash-Tastic Purchase Review. Yeah, what a hilariously stupid idea that was.

So, school is tomorrow, so is Theatre class, which, if you read before, is the shiznit.

We are in groups and we have to teach a lesson out of the theatre textbook and it's actually prety cool, because my group is teaching a lesson on improv games. Cool, right? No?! Why not? (You wanna buy a computer?)

So, tonight, Liz and Mom are going to go to some reception for the people who are in the competeion at the fair. Mom entered a work of jewelry in the Art competition, if that makes sense.


1) "I'm a sexy ghost!"

- Sifl and Olly

2) Currenly listening to: The smooth sounds of NASCAR on the TV.

3) Today's video: Ep 1 of Spaced

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