Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Sometimes people make mixtapes, for others, and they have a song that they use for every one that they make. My secret weapon? Fingertips by They Might Be Giants. It has proved success 2 out of thw 3 times i've used it. I say 2 because i have no idea what the third one thinks. I should ask...Hmm...Shoot...

I still can't stop listening to it. I need to enter Shin-rehab. Somebody save me. No, i'll probably be off of it in a few weeks.

Tomorrow is supposed to be a bad weather day. We'll see...We might have a delayed start.

This is to one person who might not be reading this, but i don't care.

I'm so sorry. I know i probably came on too strong and a little pathetic. I know i did. There's no going back and changing it. I know i'm an idiot, too. I'm just sorry, and i want to leave on the best of terms with you. I think you're awesome. Just know that.

Alright, i'm done with that. Bye-ty Bye!

1) "Well, hello there, chocolate cake!"

- Strong Badathlon

2) CL2: Australia by The Shins

Monday, January 29, 2007

Still Can't Stop

I just cannot stop listening to Wincing the Night Away. It's probably driving my family crazy, but i don't care.

So, i've written a couple of songs for 5GB. One's called Get Away, one called What I Do, and my verse of our theme song. I'm writing a song about my friend Jennifer called When I Go A-Whorin'. She told me to write it.

Our computer room has a new arrangement. The desk is on the left wall instead of up against the north one. I kind of like it, and it makes the room look bigger.

So, Saturday, i decided to further my Donkey Kong Country 2 game, and i didn't freak out at all. Then on Sunday, i totally did. What was the thing? Shin-magic. I'm in a good mood when i listen to them. Shin-magic, i will trademark.

1) "And your shape on the dancefloor will have me thinking such filth, i'll gouge my eye."

- Australia (The Shins)

2) CL2: I Don't Love You by My Chemical Romance

3) Question: What's a fetter?

Saturday, January 27, 2007

And This, Kids, is Crystal Meth!

As i think about the state of chilodren's programming and as it gets more stupid and ridiculous, i think of all the great shows that were. I omagine in 5 years' time, we'll be teaching our 5-year-olds about the dangers of heroin.

Gullah Gullah Island: Tought about things. It was educational and they sang songs every two minutes!

Little Bear: Good stories and everything.

Blue's Clues: Before Steve had to leave "to college" and ruin it. Now, Blue is a freaking puppet.

Zoom: The first 3 years of the new version were very good, then it got dumber. Then it got canceled.

All of the Nickelodeon game shows: GUTS, Legends of the Hidden Temple, What Would You Do?, Double Dare, etc. Now they have absolutely nothing.

Bill Nye the Science Guy: Enough said.

Popular Mechanics for Kids: Yep.

Now all the good kids have is this: Spongebob, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, i can't think of anything else. Sad.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Victory = Mine

After school today: We drove on over to the Best Buy, i walked in, guns blazing. I went straight to te New Release table, picked up Wincing the Night Away, and bought it. It took but 5 minutes. It was amazing.

I'ma go play it like i've played no album before.

1) "I carry a lighter around. I don't smoke, i just really like certain songs."

- Demetri Martin

Thursday, January 25, 2007

The Actuality

Me and Andie didn't have a monologue. Me and Chris did. Andie was too busy doing something, and it wasn't really monologue-off. It was more like a monologue-on. It was pretty awesome.

1) "This kiln heats up to 1500 degrees. To put that into perspective, imagine 1 degree 1500 times."

- Strangers With Candy

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Time is NOT On My Side


Tomorrow is my sister's 17th birthday. Then, a mere year later, she'll be 18, then, a mere 5 months later, she'll graduate from high school. Then, 2 years later, I will. I don't have much time. My youth is fading. Aaaaagh.

I'm in a band. With David, Sam, Edward and Trey. Our name? 5 Guys in a Band. We do parodies and originals. Well, we haven't really done anything but write songs so far. But, we're comitted. I think.

1) "You can cook for your husband if you want to."
"Isn't she quaint? I'm just not hungry."

- Firefly

2) Currently listening to: WtNA

3) Pining over: WtNA

Monday, January 22, 2007

Complete With Musical Overture

Mondays, boy i hate Mondays
They make me so steamed
Talkin' 'bout the weekends!
Oh ho-ho-ho-ho-ho

- Will Ferrell (SNL)

Argh, Monday. Why must you suck?

First, it started off with me being extremely tired. I only had about 4 hours of sleep. I just really could not sleep at all.

Then, Biology, we had to study for a test. It made me have to lean forward and read things.

Then, my Algebra teacher yelled at somebody. Admitted, that somebody totally deserved it.

That's it.

Maybe something will cheer me up.

1) "I can driiiive a fork shift!"

- Made-up Homsar quote

2) Currently watching: Adventure Time

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Go Ahead, You Can Laugh All You Want, 'Cuz i Got My Philosophy. It Keeps My Feet On The Ground And I Trust It Like The Ground

Yes. Here we go.

What i think.

I've never been a praying person, and i never intend to be a praying person. I consider myself Agnostic. If God created everything, who created God? But, i really can't be so sure. I mean, who really does know?

I support the gays. They should get married. They should have the same rights as everyone else.

I hate, hate, hate religious people. They think they're religion is the only thing that's good in the world.

I hate people that hate this country. Sure, we have alot of bad stuff going for us. Gas prices, the RIAA, the FCC, not being able to find another source of energy besides oil, etc. But we have alot more things going good for us. Freedom of speech, religion, and all of that.

I hate Janet Jackson. Her and her devil boob ruined TV forever.

I hate people that say Bush is an idiot. They need to get smarter and see what he's actually done for us.

I hate people that get EVERYTHING they know from the Daily Show and take everything Jon Stewart says as gospel. Don't get me wrong, he's a pretty funny guy, but get some real news.

I hate people that say the American Office is better than the British version. Nothing will ever touch the original. The US Office is one of the best shows on television right now, though.

I also hate people that say Bush is a liar. Did you know that British, American and Russian Intellegence said that Saddanm had WMDs? I know, old news, but still.

I hate almost everybody.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Peepz I Hate

Ahem, it's about time to list them.

Dr. Phil
Rosie O'Donnell
Starr Jones
Suzanne Sommers
Martha Stewart
our school nurse
our school principal
Ms. Lumpkin
that one dude
that other dude
that other dude
that one girl
that other girl
that other dude
that other dude
that other dude
that other girl
Britney Spears
John Brown
the other John Brown
Larry the Cable Guy
Carlos Mencia
Kanye West
Tim McGraw
Ty Pennington
Isiah Washington

more latah. totes.

Pep: 0, Rally: 0

We were supposed to have a pep rally today.

At the very last minute, it was canceled. Maybe the PA system was wonky or some bullcrap like that.

"Oh no! The old man McClure (our principal) or anybody else can't yell!"


In music news: I'm completely squeeing ver Wincing the Night Away. I need to order it right now or things will happen -- terrible things.

So, next Thursday, me and Andie are having a monologue-off. It's going to rawkzz.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

This Town

Forked up.

Last night, we recieved warning that there would be ice tomorrow, then, later we recieved one saying school was delayed two hours. Yaaaaaaargh.

And the people. The people. Oh god, the people.

I hate 90% of all adults here. I want to choke their faces.

The kids at school. I want to choke their faces as well. Not all of them, obviously.

There are alot of kids that think you're their friend because you're polite to them. I HATE those people to death.

I hate to say this, for the sake of my friends, but...

I can't wait to get the hell out of here.

Officially Started

The Shins craziness has started. Well, it did on Saturday.

Sat.: SNl
18th: album available for listen on Myspace
23rd: album available for purchase Everywhere!!!!!!
David Letterman

Wow, right?

So, today we did monologues. It was teh greatzzzz

My teacher loved mine, and she made me do it for everybody at rehearsal today. And...i did. Also, a Dane Cook "routine" and Sean Cullen. The latter is hilarious.

My World Geo. teacher played REM today in class. Teh awesomezzz.

1) "i'm leaving!"

- greatest news i heard today.

2) Currently listening to: Wincing the Night Away by The Shins

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

When You Die, They Make A List Of Every Love You've Never Kissed

Indeeedy. We're doing monologues tomorrow.

My new World Geography teacher is awesome. He played Sweet Caroline on his laptop and asked us to guess what it was. And...who got it right? Moi. Tres bien.

1) "He wiped out on your 10-speed
And either he will succeed
Or just suck"

- Testing 1, 2, 3 (Barenaked Ladies)

2) Currently watching: The Office Season 2

3) Current mood: Dazed

Monday, January 15, 2007

Hare: Kutted

I got a haircut today. Good times. I already can't wait for it to grow back so i can emo-flip for funsies again. spider

It's the coolest website evah. You can watch tv shows, movies, and comedy shows. It's where i watch all of my Kenny vs. Spenny episodes, GSN doesn't show it anymore, bastards.

Rehearsal tomorrow. Yeps.

1) "Here's a breakdown of pillow fights. Man vs. Woman = fun, Man vs. Man = Gay, Woman vs. Woman = awesome, Man vs. Pillow = crazy, Pillow vs. Pillow = crazy awesome."

- Demitri Martin. Person.

2) Currently watching: Clearification (

Friday, January 12, 2007


I need some money.

$15 - Drama Club dues because they are going to start checking next week if we've paid or not. :(

$5 - $10 - Bronx Masquerade for English class

$10+ - The Shins - Wincing the Night Away (JAN. 23rd!!!!!)

Yep, that's it.

1) "Sarcasm is the refuge of losers."

- Little Miss Sunshine

2) currently wanting to watch - a movie

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The "It" I Actually Have

Today was an excellent half-day.

I got a note from my Theatre teacher during 4th period. It said to talk to her about getting a role in Comedy of Errors. Not i have one.

Pinch the witch doctor. Another doctor role. I'm going to play doctors for the rest of my life.

Afterwards, i gave Danielle a ride home. Good times.

1) "I can't stop, it's like chips."

- The White Rapper Show

2) Best video evah (again! Because this is Blawge, and in Blawge...I can do whatevahzz)

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A Long Overdue Revelation

I don't need it.

I realized i didn't want to go through the hurt of having to leave her, if i even got a chance to have her. it is. I found it. The best music video to ever be created. This will sweep the nation, my friends.

Did you watch it? If you just scrolled down a little, i say how dare you. You naughty person! Scroll upeth and watcheth thy music video!

So, you know how we had to do monologues for Theatre class? We're doing it again, and i'm ecstatic. I've already got mine, picked out and memerized. It's from NewsRadio, and it's amazing. Here it is. I cut out a little dialogue from other characters, but, meh.

1) "Let me tell you something little miss. Advertising pays our bills, advertising pays your salary. Advertising is what made this country great. What was th Constitution of the United States? An advertisement. An advertisement for liberty when in the course of human events, let me tell you, that's riht up there with "Put a tiger in your tank" and "Where's the beef?" I'm sorry, i have to get some air. [pause] Hell, if it wasn't for advertising, you know what you two would be doing? Selling Sesame Street totbags during PBS pladge breaks. Only, they wouldn't say Sesame Street on them. Becuase that would be...ADVERTISING! I bet if you two had your way there wouldn't be any Sesame Sreet, would there? No Bert, no Ernie. Bye bye. Say bye byte to Grover! Bye bye to Cookie Monster! There isn't no Snuffalupagus, is there? And there sure ain't no Oscar thet Grouch...not to mention KERMIT THE DAMN FROG!"


3) Crntly drinkin': Diet Pepsi

Monday, January 8, 2007


I really shouldn't have gone there. If i'd have known i was going to be brought down like that i wouldn't have.

I mean, what the fuck? Did she or did she not completely lie to me? I'm never going to understand any of this.

But i want this really badly, you have no idea. My time here is limited and i want to make the best of it. I want to make the best of it with her. I really wish she knew that.

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Another One

Yeah, another girl clarly not interested in me.

She even said she wanted to go to my house, then she said that history project crap, which i'm beginning to think is a lie. But why would she do that? If she really did, i thought she was way better than that. Maybe she didn't want to hurt my feelings. I have no idea what's going on anymore.

1) "Think about it. I haven't."

- Strangers With Candy

2) Currently watching: The Office - Season 2

3) "Good song."

An Awesome Message From Me

(Don't worry, you're not the only one i'm sending this to)

Dear friend of mine,

I have a plan.

I will get you, a bunch of others, and anyone else, to come to my house. I will get my video camera, about 4 or 5 blank tapes, and we'll go somewhere where we can shoot that is quiet and peaceful. I will give you a scene outline, which i have written beforehand, and you will improvise an entire scene based on it.

Yes i know, i'm crazy. But i think if we get enough pepole, it could work. Get any friends you can to be audience members. In the meantime, i will "recruit" other "players" and ask them to participate. I'm hoping to pull all of this off in the next few weeks.

Yes i know, it seems like spam, but i'll prove that it's not...

ask me if i sent this to you.

This is tne message i sent to about 8 people. And i plan to send it to more people. More!!!!!!!

Friday, January 5, 2007

JD (Just Dailies) (Yes, This Title Again)

1) "What a quandry...What's quandry mean?"

- Strangers With Candy

2) sl2: Perfect Teeth by Motion City Soundtrack

From All Atop the Parapeths Glow A Multitude of Coranants

Decemberists = premium vocabularies. And i don't even know how to spell.

So, i have a plan.

I will infiltrate the bowels of my Myspace friend list to find experienced improv-ers and invite them over, from then we go off to somewhere with a good, quiet secene, i give them scene outlines, which i have written beforehand, i get the video camera, about 4 blank tapes, and tell them to just improv the entire scene. I plan for this to take place in the next few weeks. And i cannot wait a second.


[Randy singing Cops theme]
1) "Bad boys, bad boys, who you gonna call?"

- My Name is Earl

2) cl2: Total Eclipse by Klaus Nomi

Thursday, January 4, 2007


So, it's a new year, new school semester, and, oddly, a new person.

A couple of days ago, i felt odd, like i've changed. Like, dramatically changed. And this morning i felt like a completely new person. I just did. I have no idea how, but i did.

This year i want to do things differently. I'm no going to act and feel like a shit anymore. I'm just not. I'm going to actaully give a crap about stuff. I'm going to find what i want and get it. I'm going to get a girlfriend. I'm going to be happy.

I'm going to have a better life.

1) "People say "Ben just write some stuff and turn it in" but i was never ok with turning in a bunch of shit."

- One Down (Ben Folds)

2) cl2: Nomi Song by Klaus Nomi (he has the most amazing voice)

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

The New Situation

Well, my friend's mom won't let her leave the house until she finishes some hstory project she has to do, so she won't be coming over today. But, i'm now on a quest to make today awesome.

Englsih told me that her, Kyle and maybe someone else were going to the mall. The catch is: i don't know what time they're going. I've tried to call her twice and she didn't answer. Either, her phone is off or she's busy. Uuuuuuuugh [Charlie Brown/]

1) "Look, you're not black, OK?"
"OK. Officer, can i please have my 40 ouncer and my boombox that i play music on?"

- Reno 911!

2) cl2: dryah

Monday, January 1, 2007


I really can't wait until tomorrow. It's going to be awesome.

I really need to take a shower right now. My sister just took one, now my dad's taking one. I'm going to get about 5 seconds worth of hot water. It's going to suuuck.

I also need to clean my room. I'm even surprised that i've had that revelation.

I need to make the house smell better than it does. It kinda smaells like people now.

This is my 300th post. Everybody dance now. Everybody dance NOW!

1) "Come on, this is a party, not a shareholder's meeting."

- Arrested Development

2) cl2: Mama by My Chemical Romance (not a Genesis cover)