Thursday, January 4, 2007


So, it's a new year, new school semester, and, oddly, a new person.

A couple of days ago, i felt odd, like i've changed. Like, dramatically changed. And this morning i felt like a completely new person. I just did. I have no idea how, but i did.

This year i want to do things differently. I'm no going to act and feel like a shit anymore. I'm just not. I'm going to actaully give a crap about stuff. I'm going to find what i want and get it. I'm going to get a girlfriend. I'm going to be happy.

I'm going to have a better life.

1) "People say "Ben just write some stuff and turn it in" but i was never ok with turning in a bunch of shit."

- One Down (Ben Folds)

2) cl2: Nomi Song by Klaus Nomi (he has the most amazing voice)

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