Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A Long Overdue Revelation

I don't need it.

I realized i didn't want to go through the hurt of having to leave her, if i even got a chance to have her. it is. I found it. The best music video to ever be created. This will sweep the nation, my friends.

Did you watch it? If you just scrolled down a little, i say how dare you. You naughty person! Scroll upeth and watcheth thy music video!

So, you know how we had to do monologues for Theatre class? We're doing it again, and i'm ecstatic. I've already got mine, picked out and memerized. It's from NewsRadio, and it's amazing. Here it is. I cut out a little dialogue from other characters, but, meh.

1) "Let me tell you something little miss. Advertising pays our bills, advertising pays your salary. Advertising is what made this country great. What was th Constitution of the United States? An advertisement. An advertisement for liberty when in the course of human events, let me tell you, that's riht up there with "Put a tiger in your tank" and "Where's the beef?" I'm sorry, i have to get some air. [pause] Hell, if it wasn't for advertising, you know what you two would be doing? Selling Sesame Street totbags during PBS pladge breaks. Only, they wouldn't say Sesame Street on them. Becuase that would be...ADVERTISING! I bet if you two had your way there wouldn't be any Sesame Sreet, would there? No Bert, no Ernie. Bye bye. Say bye byte to Grover! Bye bye to Cookie Monster! There isn't no Snuffalupagus, is there? And there sure ain't no Oscar thet Grouch...not to mention KERMIT THE DAMN FROG!"


3) Crntly drinkin': Diet Pepsi

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