Monday, January 22, 2007

Complete With Musical Overture

Mondays, boy i hate Mondays
They make me so steamed
Talkin' 'bout the weekends!
Oh ho-ho-ho-ho-ho

- Will Ferrell (SNL)

Argh, Monday. Why must you suck?

First, it started off with me being extremely tired. I only had about 4 hours of sleep. I just really could not sleep at all.

Then, Biology, we had to study for a test. It made me have to lean forward and read things.

Then, my Algebra teacher yelled at somebody. Admitted, that somebody totally deserved it.

That's it.

Maybe something will cheer me up.

1) "I can driiiive a fork shift!"

- Made-up Homsar quote

2) Currently watching: Adventure Time

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