Saturday, January 6, 2007

An Awesome Message From Me

(Don't worry, you're not the only one i'm sending this to)

Dear friend of mine,

I have a plan.

I will get you, a bunch of others, and anyone else, to come to my house. I will get my video camera, about 4 or 5 blank tapes, and we'll go somewhere where we can shoot that is quiet and peaceful. I will give you a scene outline, which i have written beforehand, and you will improvise an entire scene based on it.

Yes i know, i'm crazy. But i think if we get enough pepole, it could work. Get any friends you can to be audience members. In the meantime, i will "recruit" other "players" and ask them to participate. I'm hoping to pull all of this off in the next few weeks.

Yes i know, it seems like spam, but i'll prove that it's not...

ask me if i sent this to you.

This is tne message i sent to about 8 people. And i plan to send it to more people. More!!!!!!!

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