Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Time is NOT On My Side


Tomorrow is my sister's 17th birthday. Then, a mere year later, she'll be 18, then, a mere 5 months later, she'll graduate from high school. Then, 2 years later, I will. I don't have much time. My youth is fading. Aaaaagh.

I'm in a band. With David, Sam, Edward and Trey. Our name? 5 Guys in a Band. We do parodies and originals. Well, we haven't really done anything but write songs so far. But, we're comitted. I think.

1) "You can cook for your husband if you want to."
"Isn't she quaint? I'm just not hungry."

- Firefly

2) Currently listening to: WtNA

3) Pining over: WtNA

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