Saturday, January 20, 2007

Go Ahead, You Can Laugh All You Want, 'Cuz i Got My Philosophy. It Keeps My Feet On The Ground And I Trust It Like The Ground

Yes. Here we go.

What i think.

I've never been a praying person, and i never intend to be a praying person. I consider myself Agnostic. If God created everything, who created God? But, i really can't be so sure. I mean, who really does know?

I support the gays. They should get married. They should have the same rights as everyone else.

I hate, hate, hate religious people. They think they're religion is the only thing that's good in the world.

I hate people that hate this country. Sure, we have alot of bad stuff going for us. Gas prices, the RIAA, the FCC, not being able to find another source of energy besides oil, etc. But we have alot more things going good for us. Freedom of speech, religion, and all of that.

I hate Janet Jackson. Her and her devil boob ruined TV forever.

I hate people that say Bush is an idiot. They need to get smarter and see what he's actually done for us.

I hate people that get EVERYTHING they know from the Daily Show and take everything Jon Stewart says as gospel. Don't get me wrong, he's a pretty funny guy, but get some real news.

I hate people that say the American Office is better than the British version. Nothing will ever touch the original. The US Office is one of the best shows on television right now, though.

I also hate people that say Bush is a liar. Did you know that British, American and Russian Intellegence said that Saddanm had WMDs? I know, old news, but still.

I hate almost everybody.

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