Sunday, September 30, 2007

It's REALLY Been Two Years?

2 years ago today, Serenity was released in theaters.

[collective aw]

Friday, September 28, 2007

I Just Busted My Keaton.

Well, today sure was exciting.

I went to school, right? And i went to tech theatre, right? Anyway, i went, and as i was running back Jack Bauer-style with my paper towels, and...i slipped and fell. It was such a Vaudevillian fall, i swear. I even laughed. It felt quite painful though, as it now hurts to put weight on my knee. My entire right side hurt, but i was prefectly fine.

And i still am. Nothing much else happened. I didn't fail my Biology test! There's have nothing else. Sorry.

1) "Ta'quil's been know...rallying up the negroes..."

- Frisky Dingo

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Pep? You Got It.

Pep assembly #2 was today.

They threw out candy, and the team competition was tight, son. Faces covered in shaving foam, and cheesy poofs thrown everywhere. Fall Out Boy's "Hum Hallelujah" being played during. It was kickass.

And as i sit here, listening to random crap, i'm thinking, "I need to take a shower." Because i do, my friends...i do.

Ohhh yeah, by the way, the season premieres of My Name is Earl and The Office are tonight. They're both one hour. There's going to be laughs coming out of every second. It's gonna be amazing. I hope. I already know The Office will, so i'm good.

That's all? Tsk tsk tsk.

1) "Actually, that was acting. Emmy please!"

- The Colbert Report

2) currently about to read: The rest of The Cold Equations by Tom Godwin. I refuse to let it end badly.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I Sure Do Wish I Had Something to Talk About

I wish i had something exciting, even remotely, going on in my life.

Well, Tech Theatre is getting slowly awesome. Painting and drawing lines on walls with levels? Piece of cake.

English is getting repetitive, but it's easy, so i'm okay with it.

Last week, i was about ready to do work in the computer lab for Biology, when i found out i STILL didn't have a computer account. Boo. I talked to the guy from the librar, and he sent an email to the district. I went back in today, not expecting to log in, and i did. I was happy. That's prety much the only exciting thing that happened to me all week so far.

I bought coffee today! Now that's it.

I sure hope my week ends up being cool.

1) "There are three benches."
"Did you just say bitches?"
"Benches! Not bitches."
"Oh no you di'int! Gonna bring the bitches along for a ride?"

- The Decemberists - A Practical Handbook

Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Side(post)winder Sleeps Tomite

Ah, REM, giving me post title ideas.

I haven't really done a general video compilation in a while, so i'm going to do that now.

Scenes From a Hat (owwww!!!)

Duke Rhythm and Blues - The Humans are Dead

Jimmy Kimmel Totally Owns Gawker Lady

Hipster Olympics

Oh, Turns Out I Have Somewhat of a Life

My dad's friends are coming over on Saturday, so i have something to do! Holy crap indeed.

A thing i noticed a few days ago: Arcade Fire likes to use French lyricas in some songs. I'm going to pursure these all, and translate them. Right now. Oh wait, i'm writing this.

I'm really thinkijg about starting those stories from English elsewhere, like on DeviantART, i really want to. So why don't i do it?

So, club kickoff day was today, and i signed up for 3 freaking clubs. Some Choir thing, the Thespian Club, and The Gay/Straight Alliance. I have no idea how i'll juggle all 3, but i'll find a way.

I wish i had more things to say. I guess my life's pretty boring when school goes on. I wish cool things happened at school. .

1) "Are you gonna carry my Health book?"
"Health no!"

- Liz and I

2) currently about to look for: some music.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Friday, September 14, 2007

Well, Let's Go Ahead and Sum Up the Worst Two Days of My Week.

Seriously, what could have been worse?

Thursday: I started in second period, when we went to go take pictures. I cannot get over how bad mine looks. What's with my high school pictures? Honestly, it's driving me nuts. I looks like an idiot. A bleeding fool!

Then lunch came. We had to buy lunch because we had nothing in our freaking house. The line took about 20 minutes to get through. Then we had a good .001 seconds left to eat. I was shoving food i kinda didn't like in my face.

That's pretty much all from Thursday.

Today: I woke up, and was just angry about everything. And everybody. I was angrey and confused (mostly as to why i was angry). It was probably just dude PMS or something. Let's hope it was that, and not that i just all of a sudden turned emo.

I expect Saturday and Sunday to be exactly the same. I have nothing to do, of course. Like always. I just need to learn to stick to my plans, and follow through with them. Help me please.

Well, i hope something at least remotely exciting happens.

1) "They need to calm down, they just need to go home to a big teddy bear, and hug it."

- some dude in Tech Theatre

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Can't Read It...Can't Read It...

Sifl and Olly have trouble with their satellite. They first accidentally interviewed what i think was a police scanner. Now, this...

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Well. I had to do that. It's post 420, so...haha.

So, after a week of schooling (even though this post says Tuesday, i wrote it on Wednesday), here's a little summity uppity of my classes

1: I'm not doing anything yet, but i will tomorrow. I think i'll be painting.

2: My 2nd favorite class. It goes by pretty fast, and that's a good thing.

3: Fun times, i must say.

4: Boring, and the teacher, i am convinced, is absolutely insane.

5: Easy, so awesome.

Wow, okay...that's it. Except today is my parents' 20th anniversary. That pretty much freaking rules.

1) "I broke my arm on the monkey bars, cuz i'm a champion."

- Back to School with CIWWAF

Monday, September 10, 2007


So, i have to find myself yet another building on Wednesday. Freaking Biology labs...and lab reports.

So, in English, we do this thing everday where we're given a sentence stem, and we are supposed to start writing freehand for 15 minutes after writing it.Today's was "I remember..." and i started what i think is going to be a pretty fricking awesome story. I'm planning on putting it on my DeviantArt, but knowing me, i 98% likely won't. Why? I suck, that's why.

1) "Remember the sprinkler you'd just run through? And go, "Woohoo! I got my vrotch wet!""

- Jon Reep

2) currently:

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Delivering the Promise

A day late, mind you, but still...

Alright, Thursday was pretty fricking sweet.

It was the day when i decided that so far, Choir was better than Tech Theatre. We're doing fun things in Choir now, and we're so far just reading about things in TT.

It was an okay day from then until the end, where i saw my best friend ever Sarah. We caught up some, and then Liz and I went home

Friday: Meh, That's what the day made me feel like. Although, i did not get lost on the way to class. So...yay for me. I wouldn't have gotten lost on Thursday, but the nurse just had to talk to me, and me having to go to her office and back to the MS building.

I just thought about tyhis? Why aren't there any male school nurses? In my life, I've never seen or even heard of a male being the school nurse. I don't know, i think there should be at least some, right?

Well, auditions for the fall play are on Monday, so i'm actually thinking about going.I don't really know though. It really depends. On what? i Have no clue, but whatever.

1) "Shake, you have to have seen a bra before."
"Not with the boob meat all inside it!"

- Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film For Theaters (must get this DVD)

2) currently listening to: songs with places in their titles.

3) currently wanting like a mofo: The Office - Season 3

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Highschool V 2.0

Hilhi. What a cool plcace already.

Tesday: Orientation. I got there, we organized into groups. I went with my crazy transfer student group, and headed around, being brought to the different buildings of the school. So organized, the buildings are. Social Studies, Math/Science, Drama/Music, and Language Arts all have their own buildings. It's pretty freaking cool.

So, when that ended, Liz, Cody and I went to Burgerville, and then back home. 'Twas a nice day.

Tuesday: First official day.

1st period: There are some cool people in there. Tech Theatre by the way. Athough the class hasn't really picked up yet. Some people i know too.

2nd: English. There are some people i know in there too. It's pretty cool. We haven't really started the curriculum yet in there either. I don't thikn we do until Monday.

3A: Choir. So far, it's better than Tech Theatre. It's just me and another dude.

3B: Lunch. I sit with Liz and cronies for now.

4: Biology. One of my friends is in there too. I'll talk to hewr when i can.

5: The very first day, we did some get-to-know-you excersizes. I met some pretty cool people. So...yay.

I'll give you Today and Friday tomorrow.

1) "It's like watching a movie...that Marty controls."

-The Shins on Marty playing video games.

2) currently listening to (or about to): Songs with titles that have nouns in them.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Anything's on (MyspaceTV), Vol. 3

Myspace has become my favorite place to find obscure SNL videos.

I just got the idea to look for this, and i didn't have any luck finding a decent quality one on YouTube, so i hopped on over to, where i also found whole episodes of Wonder Showzen and the Hot Plates SNL sketch.

I found it. And as i remember it, it is the funniest thing i've seen in my life.

Swedish Chef Ringtones

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Saturday, September 1, 2007

I Got No Seams!

It seems as though the [adult swim] series 12 Oz. Mouse will be released on DVD sometime in the near future.

I used to watch the show, but i guess i missed a couple of episodes, and thought nothing of it. I thought it was another one of those shows that didn't necessarily have a plt. To my disappointment, oh yes it did.

In the beginning of the second seaason, i was thoroughly confused as to what was going on, "Why are the characters doing this?" and, "What happened to make this happen?" were frequent questions i asked myself. I was completely lost and just a little bit angry that i had no idea what happened to one of my once favorite [adult swim] shows.

So today, i just got the news that says that it will be released on DVD someti me not long from now. And there will be an option to see it all as a seamless movie, with no breaks in between the episodes. Finally i can see all of it from start to finish. I'll hav to library it or something, because i don't know if i'll waste my money on it or not.