Saturday, September 1, 2007

I Got No Seams!

It seems as though the [adult swim] series 12 Oz. Mouse will be released on DVD sometime in the near future.

I used to watch the show, but i guess i missed a couple of episodes, and thought nothing of it. I thought it was another one of those shows that didn't necessarily have a plt. To my disappointment, oh yes it did.

In the beginning of the second seaason, i was thoroughly confused as to what was going on, "Why are the characters doing this?" and, "What happened to make this happen?" were frequent questions i asked myself. I was completely lost and just a little bit angry that i had no idea what happened to one of my once favorite [adult swim] shows.

So today, i just got the news that says that it will be released on DVD someti me not long from now. And there will be an option to see it all as a seamless movie, with no breaks in between the episodes. Finally i can see all of it from start to finish. I'll hav to library it or something, because i don't know if i'll waste my money on it or not.

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