Thursday, September 6, 2007

Highschool V 2.0

Hilhi. What a cool plcace already.

Tesday: Orientation. I got there, we organized into groups. I went with my crazy transfer student group, and headed around, being brought to the different buildings of the school. So organized, the buildings are. Social Studies, Math/Science, Drama/Music, and Language Arts all have their own buildings. It's pretty freaking cool.

So, when that ended, Liz, Cody and I went to Burgerville, and then back home. 'Twas a nice day.

Tuesday: First official day.

1st period: There are some cool people in there. Tech Theatre by the way. Athough the class hasn't really picked up yet. Some people i know too.

2nd: English. There are some people i know in there too. It's pretty cool. We haven't really started the curriculum yet in there either. I don't thikn we do until Monday.

3A: Choir. So far, it's better than Tech Theatre. It's just me and another dude.

3B: Lunch. I sit with Liz and cronies for now.

4: Biology. One of my friends is in there too. I'll talk to hewr when i can.

5: The very first day, we did some get-to-know-you excersizes. I met some pretty cool people. So...yay.

I'll give you Today and Friday tomorrow.

1) "It's like watching a movie...that Marty controls."

-The Shins on Marty playing video games.

2) currently listening to (or about to): Songs with titles that have nouns in them.

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