Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Well. I had to do that. It's post 420, so...haha.

So, after a week of schooling (even though this post says Tuesday, i wrote it on Wednesday), here's a little summity uppity of my classes

1: I'm not doing anything yet, but i will tomorrow. I think i'll be painting.

2: My 2nd favorite class. It goes by pretty fast, and that's a good thing.

3: Fun times, i must say.

4: Boring, and the teacher, i am convinced, is absolutely insane.

5: Easy, so awesome.

Wow, okay...that's it. Except today is my parents' 20th anniversary. That pretty much freaking rules.

1) "I broke my arm on the monkey bars, cuz i'm a champion."

- Back to School with CIWWAF

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