Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I Sure Do Wish I Had Something to Talk About

I wish i had something exciting, even remotely, going on in my life.

Well, Tech Theatre is getting slowly awesome. Painting and drawing lines on walls with levels? Piece of cake.

English is getting repetitive, but it's easy, so i'm okay with it.

Last week, i was about ready to do work in the computer lab for Biology, when i found out i STILL didn't have a computer account. Boo. I talked to the guy from the librar, and he sent an email to the district. I went back in today, not expecting to log in, and i did. I was happy. That's prety much the only exciting thing that happened to me all week so far.

I bought coffee today! Now that's it.

I sure hope my week ends up being cool.

1) "There are three benches."
"Did you just say bitches?"
"Benches! Not bitches."
"Oh no you di'int! Gonna bring the bitches along for a ride?"

- The Decemberists - A Practical Handbook

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