Saturday, September 8, 2007

Delivering the Promise

A day late, mind you, but still...

Alright, Thursday was pretty fricking sweet.

It was the day when i decided that so far, Choir was better than Tech Theatre. We're doing fun things in Choir now, and we're so far just reading about things in TT.

It was an okay day from then until the end, where i saw my best friend ever Sarah. We caught up some, and then Liz and I went home

Friday: Meh, That's what the day made me feel like. Although, i did not get lost on the way to class. So...yay for me. I wouldn't have gotten lost on Thursday, but the nurse just had to talk to me, and me having to go to her office and back to the MS building.

I just thought about tyhis? Why aren't there any male school nurses? In my life, I've never seen or even heard of a male being the school nurse. I don't know, i think there should be at least some, right?

Well, auditions for the fall play are on Monday, so i'm actually thinking about going.I don't really know though. It really depends. On what? i Have no clue, but whatever.

1) "Shake, you have to have seen a bra before."
"Not with the boob meat all inside it!"

- Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film For Theaters (must get this DVD)

2) currently listening to: songs with places in their titles.

3) currently wanting like a mofo: The Office - Season 3

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