Monday, December 31, 2007

The Final List

Here it is, finalized. All the Decemberists songs i listened to this month.

  1. July, July!
  2. Eli, the Barrow Boy
  3. Shanty for the Arethusa
  4. Los Angeles, I'm Yours
  5. The Infanta
  6. As I Rise
  7. Little Boxes
  8. The Bagman's Gambit
  9. Shiny
  10. Apology Song
  11. Crane Wife 3
  12. O Valencia!
  13. Shankill Butchers
  14. Hurdles Even Here
  15. Culling of the Fold
  16. Of Angels and Angles
  17. The Chimbley Sweep
  18. Red Right Ankle
  19. Leslie Anne Levine
  20. Song for Myla Goldberg
  21. The Soldiering Life
  22. A Cautionary Song
  23. Odalisque
  24. Please Daddy (Don't Get Drunk This Christmas)
  25. The Engine Driver
  26. On the Bus Mall
  27. California One/Youth and Beauty Brigade
  28. From My Own True Love (Lost at Sea)
  29. We Both Go Down Together
  30. The Perfect Crime #2
  31. The Tain (today)
So there you go. I wish everyone a happy new year, and i may see you tomorrow.

These Are Just Stupid

But, here some are anywany. New Year's Resolutions. What we want to change in our lives for the new year. Well, here are mine.

- Don't take any crap from anybody.
None of this "uh-derrr, my friend likes you" crap. I'll just stop them right there and go into full-on rant assault mode. Words will be flying like bullets, people. I someone even thinks of doing anything to me, i'll make sure they regret it.

2. Care about things.
Go to everything for the school i can. Dances, plays, anything.

C. Stick with my plans.
If i want to do something, i should try my best to make it happen. I can't do that wholeputting it off until it's impossible to get done thing anymore. It's time for me to be better at not doing that.

-B. Advocate for myself more.
I'm getting better at it, but i still need to do it more.

Alright, i think that's all. I hope i fufill my goals for the year, and i hope you all do too.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

{Ba-Dink] Of the Year Awards, Pt. 4

So, here we are. The end of the end of the year. Bleeeehhhh, right?

Alright, this is the part in the show where i recap my life. Here we go.

January: the blog.

February: Not much

March-May: Said goodbye to many many people who i loved and cared about. That sure was fun! Got out of school, packed up te house

June: Moved back to beautiful Oregon. Things felt werd for awhile.

July: Continued to feel weird.

August: Got ready for scool at Hilhi

September: Started school. Met tons of kickass peoples.

October: Did more crap, had first choir concert

November: 16th birthday. Did more crap at school, Thanksgiving

December: Started new trimester, met newer people, Christmas, blah, blah, saw tons of movies.

So...that's it. Onto news events.

Biggesst non-surprises of the year:

The Spears family? Still a circus
Amy Winehouse? Still a mess
Paris Hilton? You know what
Lindsay Lohan? Actually, i haven't heard much about her in a while. But, probably going to rehab in about 2 minutes.

Sad moments: moving
Peter Boyle dying
oter people dying

Things i'm looking forward to in 08:
That stupid writer's strike ending
17th birthday
seeing more movies (Be Kind Rewind, Cloverfield much?)

Dumbest moment of 2007:
The "hoax devices" from Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and the way that the media had no damn clue what they were talking about.

Friday, December 28, 2007

For Shizz Up the Spout

So, as there was no snow at all yewsterday, i went with the usual people and saw Juno. Let me start by saying it was great. Ellen Page was fantastic. Her performance made me fall in love with her.

What's even better than the movie is it's soundtrack. Well, it's not that much better than the movie. But still, very very good. All the songs went perfectly with the movie, and they're all very cute songs. At least the Kimya Dawson ones. If this movie isn't nominated for any kind of award, i'll flip a piano sideways.

1) "Who's the father?"
"It's Paulie Bleeker."
"Paulie Bleeker? I didn't think he had it in him."

- Juno

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Not Once!

So, with the threat of a snowstorm coming today, Sam, Liz and I decided to see a movie yesterday. We chose to see Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story. And i am telling you rigt now, it is one f the funniest movies i've seen this year. A few parts almost made me die from laughing. And it will give us three some new thing to say in front of other people, which will prompt them to say "What??" I really want to see it again.

So, so far, there isn't any snow outside, as of a half-hour ago when i checked. If i do not see Juno, i will cut a ho. Honestly. I will.

1) "It's so cold!"
"He needs more blankets!"
"It's too hot!"
"He needs less blankets!"
"It's too hot and cold at the same time!"
"He needs more blankets and less blankets!"

- Walk Hard

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Never Taking the Day Off, It's...Only Me

Anyway, here we are at the end of the Christmas day excitement. And here i am to tell you what i got. Ohhh yes.

  • Supersunnyspeedgraphic, the LP - Ben Folds
  • Serenity Collector's Edition
  • 1GB MP3 player
  • 50-pack CD-R
  • 3 shirts
  • socks!
  • various candies
  • robot pencil sharpener
  • tic-tacs
I am far too lazy to type in what everyone else got, so there you go. I will enjoy my gifts and leave you all be now.

Oh wait, i'm seeing Juno on Thursday. Deal with that. You pretty much have to. Mleeeehhh.

1) "What's he done? Hung up?"

- Extras

2) cl2: eerie, silent house

Monday, December 24, 2007

'Ow Bou' A Bo'le, Misteh?

I got up at the incredibly reasonable hour of 5 and listened to the radio until i was "woken up" by my dad.

We went and got my prescription, and i ate. Then we went to Target to finish our shopping. Finally. Well, we did. And then we went to Safeway, and bought 6 bottles of various soda.

You know what? No one cares about this. I think i'm going to stop right here.

1) "Ladies seem to love it!"
"Flies do too."

- Pirelli's Miracle Elixir (Sweeney Todd)

Sunday, December 23, 2007

[Shplink] of the Year Awards Pt 3

TV! How great! It's a plave where everyone can gather and make stupid comments on things they don't understand! Anyway, here are the awards.

Best of the Year:
30 Rock
Frisky Dingo
Pushing Daisies
Samantha Who?
Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Jon!
Honorable Mention: Metalocalypse

Best New Shows:
Samantha Who?
Pushing Daisies

Episodes of the Year:
Lost (Through the Looking Glass)
The Office (all of Season 3's 2007 episodes)
Extras (Extra Special Series Finale)
Austin City Limits (Arcade Fire)

Next: moments in My life, news moments, etc.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Extras Xmas Special 2007 Ricky Gervais Big Brother Scene

This is the new thing that makes me cry everytime i wach it.

[Plunk] of the Year Awards Pt. 2

Movies! Whoaaaa...Anyway. Here are the movie awards!

Best Movies of 2007 [in no particular order]
Hot Fuzz
Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
Honorable Mention: I Am Legend

Best Movies I've Not Seen Yet:
Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story

Worst of 2007:
The Mist (by a long shot)

Drawing Conclusions: The Worst I've Not Seen Yet:
Saw IV
Spiderman 3
Alvin and the Chipmmunks

Best Trailers:
Superbad (Red Band)
Walk Hard
Across the Universe

Late Appreciation Award:
Kill Bill Volume 1 and 2
American Gun
Donnie Darko

Next: Television

Friday, December 21, 2007

Zombie Day

I really felt like one.

1st period, I just helped move wrestling mats and played basketball. Woo...

2nd: watched a lame version of 10 Little Indians.

3rd: Party

4th: This was actually one of the more interesting parts of the da. I had finished the TESA test the day before, so i rambled around on the nets for a few minutes, then went back to the classroom. He gave us all a piece of paper with Christmas song titles replaced with yankee words! Like:

Bleached Yule (White Chrstmas)
Caribou with Vermillion Probiscus (Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer)

Me and the fellow i was working with won the competish, and we got a big Hershey's bar, which we broke in half. Yaaaay.

5th: boring.

Afterschool: Walking by, telling people "Merry Christmas" and them replying. It was like instant joy.

Also, i have plans to see Sweeney Todd tonight. Oh yes, son. And i hope i get to see Juno sometime during the break. And hang out with someone. For serious. It will be two halves of a thrill/

1) "And it's all-inclusive. You know what that means!"

- The Office (A Benihana Christmas)

2) listening to: 9 - Damien Rice

[Gasp] Of the Year Awards, Pt. 1

Ohhh, wow. Already, you ask? Yes, already. I'm on holiday break, so i feel it's time now. Sue me. Actually don't, though. I have no money at all.

Alright, so let's start with music:

Top 10 Albums of the Year:

Neon Bible - Arcade Fire
Wincing the Night Away - The Shins
Cease to Begin - Band of Horses
Under the Blacklight - Rilo Kiley
Cassadaga - Bright Eyes
Even if it Kills Me - Motion City Soundtrack
Riot! - Paramore
Infinity on High - Fall Out Boy (uh...shut up)
Sandwiches and Cats - Michael Showalter
Life in Cartoon Motion - Mika

Honoorable Mentions: WWDBTSES - Modest Mouse
Favourite Worst Nightmare - Arctic Monkeys
The Boy With No Name - Travis
Black and White Album - The Hives
Icky Thump - White Stripes
Barenaked Ladies Are Men

Disappointments: Viva la Cobra - Cobra Starship (even though it's growing on me)
I-Empire - Angels and Airwaves

Best Album From 2003 I Bought This Year: Absolution - Muse
Late Appreciation Award: 9 - Damien Rice [2006]

Songs of the Year:

Tick Tick Boom - The Hives
Australia - The Shins
Conquest - White Stripes
Turn on Me - The Shins

Music Videos:

Long Road to Ruin - Foo Fighters
Conquest - White Stripes
Australia - The Shins

Mmkay, there you are. Next is movies. Ohhh, boy

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Tim and Eric Awesome Show clip: Last Resort Fighting

Both clips from TAEAS:GJ!

Just Letting You...Be Aware...

I saw I Am Legend tonight. I liked it. It kept my attention for an hour and forty minutes. So...check it out.

I would have rather checked out Sweeney Todd, but oh well. It opens tomorrow! Me happy.

So, tthe last day of school before break is also tomorrow. I have things to do over the break.

Finish reading To Kill a Mockingbird for English
Buy presents for people
Uhmmmm, that's it. Or all i can think of right now. Pity.

New years resolution!!!! Actually, i won't share it now. Later. Jeeze, so impatient. Everybody just needs to calm their faces. Take your meds. Chill.

So anyway, Ben took me home after rehearsal today, and i was almost running to my house, and tripped over the curb. My hip has a pretty nasty freaking wound on it. It's pretty gross, and it hurt for a while.

So, there isn't any zero period tomorrow for school, so that's also cool, for people who have it anyway. Good for them!

Wow. Alight, that's all i have to talk to you all about today. Err...End of the Year Awards coming up soon, so be excited for that. And the X-mas report, and all that good stuff i always do. Just giving you a heads-up. Aight, byesies.

1) "She's not my girlfriend, okay? And i doubt she gave you the stink eye. That's just the way her face looks, you know? That's just her face."

- Juno [cannot wait to see it]

2) currently wanting to finish listening to: Challengers - The New Pornographers
wanting to download: Jarvis - Jarvis Cocker

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Bat For Lashes - Whats a Girl To Do

One of Pitchfork's greatest videos of the year.

Here 'tis.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Foo Fighters' Kick-Awesome New Videp

There you go. I can't embed it, because they've disabled it. Oh well.

It's pretty funny, and it's got Rashida Jones in it!

What I MIGHT Do Today

So, there i was last night watching Dreamgirls (pretty cool movie, by the way), and i get a text from Sam saying "let's go to a movie tomorrow." And we texted back and forth. So, i might go see Alvin and the Chipmunks today. I'm nt even certain we're seeing that, i just don't want to see I Am Legend without mom, 'coz she wants to. I mean Alvin might be okay. It's got Jason Lee up in it. So...he'll be alright.

That's what i might be doing today. There you go. Now let the world spin madly on (i love that song now).

1) "It was ewe-mongous."

- Banter (Flight of the Conchords)

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Christmas Videos A-Plenty.

The Killers - Don't Shoot Me Santa

A Scrubs Charlie Brown Christmas

Mark Jensen Family Christmas

Whose Line? Helping Hands

Friday, December 14, 2007

Aw Grotten

Concert at the Grotto was tonight. I was away from home 12 hours. Jeeze. I finished my school day, and went to the choir room until mom got there, changed, at got on the bus. We drove there, and sang various songs for about 10 seconds each. Twas very fun. We got there, warmed up, performed, and went around the place for about an hour. We went to the petting zoo, saw the coolest donkey of all times. We got back to the bus, and we got cookies from Ms. Butler (out director)'s mom. Nice of her. Then we got home. AKA school, and got our things and left. We got dinner at Round Table. And now I'm here. Bloggin' it out! Anyway...

Remember the other day how i did dance practice for Luck Be a Lady the other day? It was crazy. The choreographer kept us until about 6. It was nuts. And we also leanred about the the first 15 seconds of the song. And the moves we're doing have to be done really, really fast. Uggghh. It will be sooo tiring. Five times. But, if i commit, i can do it. True dat.

1) "What song is that?"
"It's from High chool Musical."

- frickin' bus ride.

Now playing: Arcade Fire - (Antichrist Television Blues)
via FoxyTunes

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

List: Updated!

July, July!
On the Bus Mall
Bagman's Gambit
Crane Wide 3
We Both Go Down Together
Song for Myla Goldberg
Please Daddy (Don't Get Drunk This Christmas)
Culling of the Fold
(tomorrow) Leslie Anne Levine
(tomorrow) The Chimbley Sweep


Bleedy Face!!!

I cut myself shaving just now. Yay.

Anyway, we're having the choreographer come tomorrow, and we're starting to work on Luck Be a Lady. Oh god, help me. From the video, it looks somewhat cheese-tasticular, and also, we might be doing tap dancing. Uuuuuugggggggghhhh.

3 days until concert. 7 until other one.
14 days until Christmas.


1) "With meditation, there's no limit to what you can...imagine."

- Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story

2) currently have no time to listen to: Challengers by The New Pornographers

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Waiting Until 2050

Yesterday was nice. I slept after i ate breakfast until 2. Liz had to work in a few hours, and mom and i went to do things after we took her there.

We went to Marshall's to get me PE clothes, and i did. We went to FYE (formerly Wherehouse Music) to trade in my old Serenity DVD, and get the newer one, and something else. I traded ole 1-discy in, and i got Absolution from Muse and the second season of Upright Citizens Brigade. I watched all of the first disc's commentary last night, and the audience Q and A on the second. The Q and A is amazing. Especially the ending.

16 days until Christmas.

5 days until The Grotto. 9 days until our other concert.

Sweet Jesus.

1) "I'm not a...piece of meat."

- Superbad

The Bedroom Philosopher - I'm So Post Modern Video

Australia is pretty great.

Friday, December 7, 2007

14 Simple Days

Wahhh. Christmas break is in two weeks. Only two weeks. This makes me excited. For super duper serial.

Why am i home now? There isn't any men's rehearsal today. So...whatever.

Today was quite odd. The first half was alright, although in choir, we had our accompanist there, and we all sounded different because of it. Even me. And after fourth period, we had an assembly. In the middle of the end of the day? Weird...

After that, we went to fifth for longer than we were supposed to. It was really boring. It made me feel like it just wasn't Friday.

So, Sam came over yesterday after the partial movie, and he recorded his new voicemail greeting to the tune of Hey Jude. This made me want to do something similar. I'm kind of looking for songs now. When i find one, i am so getting on that shizzzz...

1) "Oh my God...Is that Jan?"
"No! a German woman named Urgelgroo..."

- The Office (Back From Vacation)

Now playing: Band Of Horses - Is There A Ghost
via FoxyTunes

Thursday, December 6, 2007

SOCIETY! Into the Wild, Beard

Today was the first time i walked out on a movie. It was Into the Wild, and it was not that interesting.

It was about a guy who just decides to burn $20,000 dollars and lives in the wilderness for 2 years. He wanted to go to Alaska and live there. Did he get there? I guess he did. They show him there in the beginning. Still, it was very pretentious, and Sean Penn-y.

The guy in the movie went off on this minute-long tirade on society, and he grows a beard. Blah. Walked out an hour into it. It was actually really boring.

Eh, well. It was free, so...

1) "What is Gearedoop?"
"It's Geared up."

- Choir class. My lord.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The List (So Far)

Here are all the D's songs i've listened to this month so fat.

July, July!
On the Bus Mall
We Both Go Down Together
Please Daddy (Don't Get Drunk This Christmas)
(today's) Song for Myla Goldberg

There you guys go. Have a nice day.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Oh...Okay. So, Thanks for Telling Me That...

I arrived a tschool and went to the commons to get my new schedule. My first class was PE. This is great. There are people i know in there! Gasp! Oh, and remember that one guy i talked about a few years ago? He's in there too. I don't expect this to go entirely well, but whatever.

Drama: So far, i think this is going to be great. Although, there is one guy whom i don't particularly care for alreaddy. He's the one who cannot sing anything that resembles a note in the muscial.

Choir: Ben's only in it for 2 days, then switching to concert choir. What the H? Anyway, our next concert is a week from Friday. I just realized that when i was told.

Soph English 2: We're reading To Kill a Mockingbird first thing. I think that's going to turn out well.

Algebra 1B: My only friend in there is leaving in a few days, because she's dropping out (why?) and some annoying dude sits right next to me. And we are apparently going to get alot of work in there. Boy howdy...

So, there that is. The second half of my day isn't the greatest, but maybe it'll change. Let's hope to god it does.

1) "You need to know...the rules of my rule."

- Ben (not the movie)

Now playing: The Decemberists - July, July!
via FoxyTunes

Monday, December 3, 2007

That's the Conon...Conun...Conum...bery

[Michael Scott/]

I still have no idea what to do for my open 5th period. I might ask wha Ben's doing. He might be going home for an hour. I doubt it.

But anyway...i started watching American Gun for the third time last night. So...i got that going on...

Nothing else to say. But I start school tomorrow. Whoo-pie.

1) "No need for paper towels or air dryers, just use your hands and style that s**t."

- Attack of the Show!

Now playing: Angels & Airwaves - Secret Crowds
via FoxyTunes

The Fluffy Crushiness!

[Wonder Showzen/]

So, anyway...tons has happened in the last day! Not really, but meh.

Mom made cookies. I thought you should know that...

I'm feeling great for the first time in a week.

School starts in less than two days. Believe it.

Alright, so...this post was started at 1:21 AM, which could be considered the 2nd still, so...screw you.

Also, there is a HUGE storm outside. I'm okay. It's just heavy wind and rain. It's not too bad [tree crashes through window, impales me]

1) "Cripical."

- Xavier: Renegade Angel

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Another Goal I Won't Reach! Woo.

I wanted to listen to all of Sufjan today. I did not. Ah, well.

I did listen to a Decemberists song today though. A Christmas Decemberists song, nonetheless.

Another goal i plan to achieve, but probably won't anyway. I'm going to set my "most posts in a month" record, which is 26, i believe, with 31. 1 post per day. I'll make up for a day without postage with 2 posts the next day, or however many. I want to do my 500th post in 2008. Or the end this year. It will also break my "most posts ina year" record. 199-200. It will be awesome.

1) "Yeah...we were time."

- Juno [trailer]