Sunday, December 30, 2007

{Ba-Dink] Of the Year Awards, Pt. 4

So, here we are. The end of the end of the year. Bleeeehhhh, right?

Alright, this is the part in the show where i recap my life. Here we go.

January: the blog.

February: Not much

March-May: Said goodbye to many many people who i loved and cared about. That sure was fun! Got out of school, packed up te house

June: Moved back to beautiful Oregon. Things felt werd for awhile.

July: Continued to feel weird.

August: Got ready for scool at Hilhi

September: Started school. Met tons of kickass peoples.

October: Did more crap, had first choir concert

November: 16th birthday. Did more crap at school, Thanksgiving

December: Started new trimester, met newer people, Christmas, blah, blah, saw tons of movies.

So...that's it. Onto news events.

Biggesst non-surprises of the year:

The Spears family? Still a circus
Amy Winehouse? Still a mess
Paris Hilton? You know what
Lindsay Lohan? Actually, i haven't heard much about her in a while. But, probably going to rehab in about 2 minutes.

Sad moments: moving
Peter Boyle dying
oter people dying

Things i'm looking forward to in 08:
That stupid writer's strike ending
17th birthday
seeing more movies (Be Kind Rewind, Cloverfield much?)

Dumbest moment of 2007:
The "hoax devices" from Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and the way that the media had no damn clue what they were talking about.

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