Friday, December 21, 2007

Zombie Day

I really felt like one.

1st period, I just helped move wrestling mats and played basketball. Woo...

2nd: watched a lame version of 10 Little Indians.

3rd: Party

4th: This was actually one of the more interesting parts of the da. I had finished the TESA test the day before, so i rambled around on the nets for a few minutes, then went back to the classroom. He gave us all a piece of paper with Christmas song titles replaced with yankee words! Like:

Bleached Yule (White Chrstmas)
Caribou with Vermillion Probiscus (Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer)

Me and the fellow i was working with won the competish, and we got a big Hershey's bar, which we broke in half. Yaaaay.

5th: boring.

Afterschool: Walking by, telling people "Merry Christmas" and them replying. It was like instant joy.

Also, i have plans to see Sweeney Todd tonight. Oh yes, son. And i hope i get to see Juno sometime during the break. And hang out with someone. For serious. It will be two halves of a thrill/

1) "And it's all-inclusive. You know what that means!"

- The Office (A Benihana Christmas)

2) listening to: 9 - Damien Rice

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