Sunday, December 9, 2007

Waiting Until 2050

Yesterday was nice. I slept after i ate breakfast until 2. Liz had to work in a few hours, and mom and i went to do things after we took her there.

We went to Marshall's to get me PE clothes, and i did. We went to FYE (formerly Wherehouse Music) to trade in my old Serenity DVD, and get the newer one, and something else. I traded ole 1-discy in, and i got Absolution from Muse and the second season of Upright Citizens Brigade. I watched all of the first disc's commentary last night, and the audience Q and A on the second. The Q and A is amazing. Especially the ending.

16 days until Christmas.

5 days until The Grotto. 9 days until our other concert.

Sweet Jesus.

1) "I'm not a...piece of meat."

- Superbad

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