Thursday, December 20, 2007

Just Letting You...Be Aware...

I saw I Am Legend tonight. I liked it. It kept my attention for an hour and forty minutes. So...check it out.

I would have rather checked out Sweeney Todd, but oh well. It opens tomorrow! Me happy.

So, tthe last day of school before break is also tomorrow. I have things to do over the break.

Finish reading To Kill a Mockingbird for English
Buy presents for people
Uhmmmm, that's it. Or all i can think of right now. Pity.

New years resolution!!!! Actually, i won't share it now. Later. Jeeze, so impatient. Everybody just needs to calm their faces. Take your meds. Chill.

So anyway, Ben took me home after rehearsal today, and i was almost running to my house, and tripped over the curb. My hip has a pretty nasty freaking wound on it. It's pretty gross, and it hurt for a while.

So, there isn't any zero period tomorrow for school, so that's also cool, for people who have it anyway. Good for them!

Wow. Alight, that's all i have to talk to you all about today. Err...End of the Year Awards coming up soon, so be excited for that. And the X-mas report, and all that good stuff i always do. Just giving you a heads-up. Aight, byesies.

1) "She's not my girlfriend, okay? And i doubt she gave you the stink eye. That's just the way her face looks, you know? That's just her face."

- Juno [cannot wait to see it]

2) currently wanting to finish listening to: Challengers - The New Pornographers
wanting to download: Jarvis - Jarvis Cocker

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