Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Oh...Okay. So, Thanks for Telling Me That...

I arrived a tschool and went to the commons to get my new schedule. My first class was PE. This is great. There are people i know in there! Gasp! Oh, and remember that one guy i talked about a few years ago? He's in there too. I don't expect this to go entirely well, but whatever.

Drama: So far, i think this is going to be great. Although, there is one guy whom i don't particularly care for alreaddy. He's the one who cannot sing anything that resembles a note in the muscial.

Choir: Ben's only in it for 2 days, then switching to concert choir. What the H? Anyway, our next concert is a week from Friday. I just realized that when i was told. So...eh.

Soph English 2: We're reading To Kill a Mockingbird first thing. I think that's going to turn out well.

Algebra 1B: My only friend in there is leaving in a few days, because she's dropping out (why?) and some annoying dude sits right next to me. And we are apparently going to get alot of work in there. Boy howdy...

So, there that is. The second half of my day isn't the greatest, but maybe it'll change. Let's hope to god it does.

1) "You need to know...the rules of my rule."

- Ben (not the movie)

Now playing: The Decemberists - July, July!
via FoxyTunes

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