Monday, December 31, 2007

These Are Just Stupid

But, here some are anywany. New Year's Resolutions. What we want to change in our lives for the new year. Well, here are mine.

- Don't take any crap from anybody.
None of this "uh-derrr, my friend likes you" crap. I'll just stop them right there and go into full-on rant assault mode. Words will be flying like bullets, people. I someone even thinks of doing anything to me, i'll make sure they regret it.

2. Care about things.
Go to everything for the school i can. Dances, plays, anything.

C. Stick with my plans.
If i want to do something, i should try my best to make it happen. I can't do that wholeputting it off until it's impossible to get done thing anymore. It's time for me to be better at not doing that.

-B. Advocate for myself more.
I'm getting better at it, but i still need to do it more.

Alright, i think that's all. I hope i fufill my goals for the year, and i hope you all do too.

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