Saturday, March 29, 2008

Hails Yeah

Yesterday, we got a 2005 Chrysler Toan & Country. And what a van it is. I has room to almost stand in, three rows of seating, and secret underseat compartments! Finding that out was awesome. More about that later.

So, today, mom and i went to Blockbuster and Safeway. (i totally just accidentally typed custer instead of buster.) We rented 2 games and a movie. They wouldn't all fit in the glovebox, so my mind went from there to "maybe i can put them under the seat." There was only plastic to the floor. But! i noticed a small handle. I tried to open it, thinking it was a door of some tiny sort. It was a drawer. Inside it was an unopened owner's maual. Mom was happy, and so was i. Good story, right?

Then, at Safeway, i saw my friend Kasi, and mom saw my aunt's friend. We got done shopping, and an old man was our bagger. Why a man that old was on bag duty, and not some pimply-facded teenage boy is a mystery to me that i'm too lazy to investigate. But, i can tell you, he's an awful bagger. Ripped bags a plenty. And i wasn't wearing a coat, and it was hailing and raining. I ran to the car got in before i drowned standing up. Could you imagine how messed up that would be? Anyway, we loaded the groceries in fast and drove him. An adventure, it was.

And i got really nasty Robatussin for my sickness.

1) "You were scared to try the new flavor of Dr. Pepper!"

- Accepted

Friday, March 28, 2008

Words and Phrases I Wish to Say More Often Than I Do Now

  • "far out"
  • "groovy"
  • frickiting
  • "son of a stuff"
  • "P.D.Effing A." (but this time...LOUDER)
  • "blimey"
  • "frick on a stick with a brick"
  • "radical"
  • "jive turkey"
  • "foolish sucka"
Good day.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

El Endo

Spring break is almost at a close. Damn.

So, i've now listened to all of Panic at the Disco's new record, and i do say i really like it. Very very different from their first, which is a good and bad thing. When i first heard tiny little clips, i thought, "I don't know..." But hearing it all with the broad instrumentation and harmonies...they sound like they're a real band now. Their lyrics are hardly "emo" now. I might like it more, not unlike how did with The Killers' sophomore album "Sam's Town." One i learned the words, and could sing along with them, it was a great album. I think it will be the same with this one.

Today was calm but enjoyable. Cody came over, and we got drinks at the 7-11 close by and watched Across the Universe. Second time opinion? It was alot better than the first time i saw it. I don't exactly know what happened, but something did, and i liked it alot more.

Tomorrow's plans: I'm afraid i have none. Sam i think wants to do something, but his car is "out of commision" as he puts it. He got it stuck in the mud on his way to work yesterday, and now i don't know what's happening. But he wants to come over, i think. I'm not the sure-est i can be.

We might get a new car this week. I think we're going for a Chrysler Town and Country, or some other one i can't remember the name of.

I also think we're going bowling/arcading on Saturday? No idea, but we'll see.

And on Monday, i go back to school. Barf. And Jazz Cabaret is next Thursday. I'm SO happy for that... [sarcasm/]

I'm not going to do Dailies today. Why? I've had a mystery cough that came out of complete frickiting nowhere for 5 days now, and i feel like death approaches. I hate it, and so should you.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Spring Broke

So, yesterday was pretty fun.

I woke up, and woke Liz up too. We ate and waited for Sam to pick us up. He came, we drove to the MAX stop by the fairgrounds. We rode until we got to the Pioneer Place Mall stop, we went up to our mom's office, and we went out to lunch at Greek Cuzina (spelling error?). After that, we went to 2nd Avenue Records to look for Panic at the Disco's latest. They have no CD section, we felt like idiots. We walked around the mall. That was...okay.

Then we got back on the train and after we got back, we drove to Target to buy the CD, and then to Blockbuster so Liz can get a membership. She started to flake out, and got a gumball. we talked her into getting a free membership, and we rented Eagle cs. Shark and Dan in Real Life. I've now seen both. Both are great. The end.

1) "Do you want free cheese? you save 60 cents. I'll give it to you."
"No, no cheese."
"Why? It's free cheese."

- Eagle vs. Shark

3) currently feel like: death.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Time Flew, No Phones Rang

So, yesterday was mildly odd. Actually, so was today.

I got up at 6:30. Why? Because choir had a field trip to go on really early. I got ready by 7:00, then Cody picked Liz and I up. We went to Dutch Bros. and got coffee. We got to the school. We hopped on the bus to Glencoe to attend the District Choir Festival practice. With all the high school's training and concert choirs. We were all getting tips after we performed, so the practice lasted 4 hours. 4 Freaking hours, my friends. Almost forever, i sat.We then got out, and went to the Esplenade to go to eateries. I went to TacoTime with Liz and Sam. We got back to the school, where we had to go to fourth and fifth periods. Eww.

Today: I just felt weird for no reason. Maybe because we had a concert? I don't know.


1) "Do you know if she wears a bra...? You wanna see a bra?"

- Rocket Science

2) currently listening to: Robots - Flight of the Conchords

Monday, March 17, 2008

Spring Breakaway

So, the new trimester started today.

1. Drama 2B (It's really cool now, since alot of IB Theatre people joined the class. It rules.)
2. American Studies (Alot of cool people up in it)
3. Choir (New girl)
4. Algebra 1C (Back to the teacher i had first trimester. So, yays.)
5. Biology 2 (Meh. That's all.)

This trimester should be fun. Nothing that intolerable, so that's good.

Choir concert on Wednesday that i don't really want to go to, but i have to, so guhhhhhhh.

Rehearsal tonight, which i do want to go to, so yay!

I have a post to end right now, and i don't know how to. Sad.

1) "Going to spaaaaaaaace...on the advice of a toddler!"


2) currently listening to: A-Punk by Vampire Weekend

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Saturday, March 15, 2008


Funniest ever. Almost.


I haven;'t spoken to all you alls in about 4 years, we go.

Rehearsals for the play have been going amazing. We get exponentially better every single day, i swear it. I have to memorize Cody and I's scene by Monday, so...I'll do that.

Finals were Wednesday and Thursday, and they were much easier than i'd expected. I think i did pretty good on my Algebra exam, which is really good for me.

New trimester starts Monday! I'm deathly excited.

I'm in the middle of Being John Malkovich, and it's really good and funny so far.

Jonah Hill hosts SNL tonight! That should be amazing.

I have nothing to do this weekend! Ugh.

1) "Warning: Candy made entirely of sawdust."

- Invader ZIM

2) My playlist. Oh yeah.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Saturday, March 8, 2008

A Denominator Gathering His Spectacles

Today went good. The aunt and cuzz came over, and Liz and got our new glasses, finally. I took 47 years, but i still got them.

After that, we got coffee. Not me though. I got my new usual strawberry vanilla smoothie. It's the best thing i've tasted in my life. Almost.

My life has been going pretty well lately. Play rehearsals have been really good, and helpful. Our director is the greatest. For serious. I really can't wait to do this play. It's going to be sensational. I urge you to see it if you can. It's a very real play, and we're already doing great. So, come during the last week in April and the first in May! I love it.

In other news, Ben and Leah got calls from PTI. Cody, Kelsey and I did not. It's not really a big deal, but i'm still PO'd. I don't think i was THAT bad...whatever.

PowderTuff volleyball was Thursday. That was pretty fun.

I have a pretty dern big project due either Wednesday or Thursday in English class. I should start on it, but i probably won't until tomorrow.

Amy Adams and Vampire Weekend are on SNL tonight. Wow.

1) "Stop fogging up my windooooooooows!"

- Sam yelling from inside his car

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Let's Get Back to My World

Alright. Friday was alright. After schol, we were figuring out what to do that night. We as in, Liz, Cody, Sam and I. We were trying to decide whether to stay in and rent a movie or go out and see one. We decided on the latter. We went to see Semi-Pro. I liked it. It wasn't the greatest, but i still liked it. It wasn't as "ridiculous" as i wanted it to be. Like Anchorman was. But still, it was okay. When the movie ended, we saw Beverly with some other people. It was great.

Anyway, after that, we went straight home. I was the tiredest, so i went to sleep.

Yesterday, I was very happy. Well, not until this happened. I was going to go audition for Portland Teen Idol with Sam, but he had something else to do, and didn't want to anyway, so i decided to go with Cody and Kelsey. I got the word on Friday that he auditioned already, so i got a tiny bit angry because i jumped to conclusions and thought he wasn't going to go the next day. But, alas, he was.

He picked me up at 5:30 and he called Kelsey, and she was in the car with Ben. He was going too, even after he told us that he thought it was stupid and made fun of Leah and Cody for talking about it one day. We got there and filled out our forms. We turned them in and went to the holding room. Which was the Hilhi theatre. Some lady from the Argus was there, and she interviewed us all. I think her daughter was there. I'm not sure but she was staying by her the whole time. She was just a tiny bit annoying. She was going to go right after me.

So, Kelsey went, then we stood close to the stage and Ben and I waited for our turns. Ben went, and then they called my number. I went back to the boys' dressing room. The judges present asked me my name and what school i was from. When i told them Hilhi, they said "So you're familiar with this space, huh?" Yes. Yes i was.

So, i went on and sang my 30-seconds of "Selfish Jean" by Travis. And they said that i had a good song choice, and that i had a good stage presence, and that i didn't come off as nervous at all, even though i kind of really was. It was a really fun experience. I'll know if i made it through on Monday, i believe. I fnot, no big deal. If i do make it, get ready for the hurricane, mofos.


- Semi-Pro

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Don't Get Me in Rant Mode!

Seriously, don't.

Well, you unfortunately already have, AC Flora.
It seems the funsing for construction at my former high school have been cut. The buildings are in a complete state of decay and disorganization. The more pictures i see of this atrocious event, the sicker i get. I'm honest here. That was no exaggeration. I literally felt sick to my stomach.

Mold on walls, things broken, the small, dirty "new" bathroom, exposed pipes in the band room, doors off their hinges, and so much more. If you want to see the damge, the evidence that this absolute horror is going on , i strongly urge you to go here.

I don't necessarily believe in a god, but if i did, i would be praying as hard as i could that this would get better, and that the blind, foolish idiots who don't give a shit about this tragedy would see the fatal error they have made.

I applaud the people who attended the school board meeting the other day. I feel deeply proud of you guys for showing that you cared. Remember: Keep fighting. I know it will probably be very hard and you'll have to deal with all kinds of people who get in your way, but i know you can do it. Of all people, it's you guys who can do this. I believe in you. If i were there, i would be doing everything i could right now. But, unfortunately, i can't. It breaks my heart that i have to sit here and rust and not be able to do a thing. You have no clue how much it hurts.

You guys can do ths without me. And you will.