Saturday, March 8, 2008

A Denominator Gathering His Spectacles

Today went good. The aunt and cuzz came over, and Liz and got our new glasses, finally. I took 47 years, but i still got them.

After that, we got coffee. Not me though. I got my new usual strawberry vanilla smoothie. It's the best thing i've tasted in my life. Almost.

My life has been going pretty well lately. Play rehearsals have been really good, and helpful. Our director is the greatest. For serious. I really can't wait to do this play. It's going to be sensational. I urge you to see it if you can. It's a very real play, and we're already doing great. So, come during the last week in April and the first in May! I love it.

In other news, Ben and Leah got calls from PTI. Cody, Kelsey and I did not. It's not really a big deal, but i'm still PO'd. I don't think i was THAT bad...whatever.

PowderTuff volleyball was Thursday. That was pretty fun.

I have a pretty dern big project due either Wednesday or Thursday in English class. I should start on it, but i probably won't until tomorrow.

Amy Adams and Vampire Weekend are on SNL tonight. Wow.

1) "Stop fogging up my windooooooooows!"

- Sam yelling from inside his car

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