Saturday, March 15, 2008


I haven;'t spoken to all you alls in about 4 years, we go.

Rehearsals for the play have been going amazing. We get exponentially better every single day, i swear it. I have to memorize Cody and I's scene by Monday, so...I'll do that.

Finals were Wednesday and Thursday, and they were much easier than i'd expected. I think i did pretty good on my Algebra exam, which is really good for me.

New trimester starts Monday! I'm deathly excited.

I'm in the middle of Being John Malkovich, and it's really good and funny so far.

Jonah Hill hosts SNL tonight! That should be amazing.

I have nothing to do this weekend! Ugh.

1) "Warning: Candy made entirely of sawdust."

- Invader ZIM

2) My playlist. Oh yeah.

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