Thursday, March 27, 2008

El Endo

Spring break is almost at a close. Damn.

So, i've now listened to all of Panic at the Disco's new record, and i do say i really like it. Very very different from their first, which is a good and bad thing. When i first heard tiny little clips, i thought, "I don't know..." But hearing it all with the broad instrumentation and harmonies...they sound like they're a real band now. Their lyrics are hardly "emo" now. I might like it more, not unlike how did with The Killers' sophomore album "Sam's Town." One i learned the words, and could sing along with them, it was a great album. I think it will be the same with this one.

Today was calm but enjoyable. Cody came over, and we got drinks at the 7-11 close by and watched Across the Universe. Second time opinion? It was alot better than the first time i saw it. I don't exactly know what happened, but something did, and i liked it alot more.

Tomorrow's plans: I'm afraid i have none. Sam i think wants to do something, but his car is "out of commision" as he puts it. He got it stuck in the mud on his way to work yesterday, and now i don't know what's happening. But he wants to come over, i think. I'm not the sure-est i can be.

We might get a new car this week. I think we're going for a Chrysler Town and Country, or some other one i can't remember the name of.

I also think we're going bowling/arcading on Saturday? No idea, but we'll see.

And on Monday, i go back to school. Barf. And Jazz Cabaret is next Thursday. I'm SO happy for that... [sarcasm/]

I'm not going to do Dailies today. Why? I've had a mystery cough that came out of complete frickiting nowhere for 5 days now, and i feel like death approaches. I hate it, and so should you.

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