Sunday, March 2, 2008

Let's Get Back to My World

Alright. Friday was alright. After schol, we were figuring out what to do that night. We as in, Liz, Cody, Sam and I. We were trying to decide whether to stay in and rent a movie or go out and see one. We decided on the latter. We went to see Semi-Pro. I liked it. It wasn't the greatest, but i still liked it. It wasn't as "ridiculous" as i wanted it to be. Like Anchorman was. But still, it was okay. When the movie ended, we saw Beverly with some other people. It was great.

Anyway, after that, we went straight home. I was the tiredest, so i went to sleep.

Yesterday, I was very happy. Well, not until this happened. I was going to go audition for Portland Teen Idol with Sam, but he had something else to do, and didn't want to anyway, so i decided to go with Cody and Kelsey. I got the word on Friday that he auditioned already, so i got a tiny bit angry because i jumped to conclusions and thought he wasn't going to go the next day. But, alas, he was.

He picked me up at 5:30 and he called Kelsey, and she was in the car with Ben. He was going too, even after he told us that he thought it was stupid and made fun of Leah and Cody for talking about it one day. We got there and filled out our forms. We turned them in and went to the holding room. Which was the Hilhi theatre. Some lady from the Argus was there, and she interviewed us all. I think her daughter was there. I'm not sure but she was staying by her the whole time. She was just a tiny bit annoying. She was going to go right after me.

So, Kelsey went, then we stood close to the stage and Ben and I waited for our turns. Ben went, and then they called my number. I went back to the boys' dressing room. The judges present asked me my name and what school i was from. When i told them Hilhi, they said "So you're familiar with this space, huh?" Yes. Yes i was.

So, i went on and sang my 30-seconds of "Selfish Jean" by Travis. And they said that i had a good song choice, and that i had a good stage presence, and that i didn't come off as nervous at all, even though i kind of really was. It was a really fun experience. I'll know if i made it through on Monday, i believe. I fnot, no big deal. If i do make it, get ready for the hurricane, mofos.


- Semi-Pro

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