Monday, March 17, 2008

Spring Breakaway

So, the new trimester started today.

1. Drama 2B (It's really cool now, since alot of IB Theatre people joined the class. It rules.)
2. American Studies (Alot of cool people up in it)
3. Choir (New girl)
4. Algebra 1C (Back to the teacher i had first trimester. So, yays.)
5. Biology 2 (Meh. That's all.)

This trimester should be fun. Nothing that intolerable, so that's good.

Choir concert on Wednesday that i don't really want to go to, but i have to, so guhhhhhhh.

Rehearsal tonight, which i do want to go to, so yay!

I have a post to end right now, and i don't know how to. Sad.

1) "Going to spaaaaaaaace...on the advice of a toddler!"


2) currently listening to: A-Punk by Vampire Weekend

1 comment:

Maddi said...

Ooooh choir. I used to be in choir... and get singing lessons ^^
Now, my only singing is done in the comfort of my own home haha.