Wednesday, August 31, 2005

{Insert Cliche Back-To-School Title Here}

It's my last couple days of freedom. I will go back to J.B. Thomas for the start of eighth grade, until the house sells. In other news, i got a haircut today, by the longest hair cutter evah! It took twenty minutes, usually fifteen. We had a showing at 11:30, say it with me, "Sounds good, we're off". Me and my dad got haircuts ay SuperCuts. Took about an hour to wait for our turns, there was only one person cutting hair, the afformentioned slow cuttah. Got back, no card on the table, appearantly they didn't show up at all.

Whatever, you know? Also, we are all going school shopping tonight. Most of the things we need we have already. Binders, paper, e-t-c.

This will be great for me. I will also introduce you all to a new blog feature, "School Daze!!!" This will analyze my day at school, period by period. It will increase the size of my posts and hopefuly the quality.

1) "Just cuz i no do his laundry, or build him railroad, he think i no from Hong Kong? I turn your brain into spicy, crazy chicken to go!"

- Upright Citizens Brigade (103)

2) Watching: UCB: Season 1

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

A-Pretty-Pretty Good Website: Shopping At The Half-Bakery

People post an invention idea and other poeple post their opinions, some very interesting ideas here.


It's official, Jack in the Box, or JiB, in our family, rules.
First of all, good food, dude. Second, They get you order right every time. It's the greatest.

We are going school shopping on Wednesday night. I'm excited. I'm gonna get an outfit wherever we're shopping and one online. I found this really cool website where you can buy shirts and stuff with Arrested Development quotes and jokes on the front. I really wanna get onw that says, "Girls With Low Self-Esteem, Spring Break '05." It'll be so cool for people in the AD know.

1) "He's not gay, he's a male nurse."

- Mad TV

2) Watching: UCB: Season 1

Monday, August 29, 2005

Son of a Beach!

Yetserday was the open house. My family and I went to the beach. It was awesome. We were out from about 10:30 AM until 6:00 PM

Alright. For her birthday, my mom got a Fred Meyer gift card and she bought the new Black Eyed Peas CD. I was flabbergasted. I had no idea that she would be interested in it, let alone purchase it. Though, it is good music.

1) "One time, i was Wendy's for my birthday party, and i choked on a pickle, and i was like, "I haven't been to Disneyland yet, not yet Jesus!" And i came to, and i barfed all over the Wendy's, and then the manager came out and gave me coupon for one free hamburger a year for life!!! Remember that, Rick!?"

2) Currently listening: Why Should the Fire Die? - Nickel Creek
Watching: Upright Citizens Brigade - Season 1

Saturday, August 27, 2005

La la la la la la la la...

I'm watching cool music videos on Winamp.

Do You Want To - Franz Ferdinand
Question! - System of a Down
Don't Tread On Me - 311

Alright, they're all cool. Especially the FF one. S'funny. The guys go around putting the words, "do you want to" on things: Walls, urinals, etc.

I'm also watching Live 8 videos.

The Kaiser Chiefs
Scissor Sisters
Green Day

1) "You know Brak, your grandfather could work the ladies like Siegfried and Roy."

- The Brak Show

2) Currently watching: The Brak Show Volume 1

Thursday, August 25, 2005

What Is With You?

Okay, so house showings are hell, you know? Last night, we got a call, they want to come between 5:30 and 6:30. Sounds good. We're off.
We get home after the time slot, they haven't been here yet. We called them to tell them that it's to late for them to come. Then this morning, they want to come between 10:00 and 11:00. Sounds good, we're off. We come back. They have not been here yet! HAAAAAARGH!!! Then we left for another hour or so. Still haven't been here. I sure hope we don't have to deal with that again.

1) "Call him Pumpkin, he likes that."
"That's what his mom calls him."
"Yeah, but his mom's really hot!"

- NewsRadio

2) Watching: NewsRadio: Seasons 1 and 2

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Just Wanted Something To Chomp On

I just wanna post Dailies again.

1) "I'm coming to you from Iraq, Conan. I'm coming to you from...the future!"

- Late Night with Conan O'Brien

2) Currently listening to: Together, We're Heavy - The Polyphonic Spree

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Maybe Some Chippy-Chips or Something...

Not much to write about. Just wanted to post some things.

1) "I'm off to the sporting goods store."
"What are you going to buy, sir?"
"The store."

- NewsRadio

2) Currently watching: Jeopardy!

Monday, August 22, 2005

School's Out For About 3 More Weeks

It's whatever the date thing is on the front. Not much happening. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I can't wait till school starts. I know, that will give me less time to post, watch NewsRadio, pet the cat and listen to Nickel Creek. In the words of MCR, I'm not okay.

Okay, so yeterday, my mom just asked my sister to look up the price of Myst 4 on Amazon. $24.99 Thyen my mom told us all that she was going to Target, or Tar-Zhet (it's French). I asked, "What for?" she said, "To buy Myst 4." I popped on my shoes and hopped in the car, I'm always up for all that good crap. They didn't have it at Target. We went to Gamestop, it was like the first game i saw. We got it, man. The limited edition that includes Myst 3: Exile. I guess that we'll give our 4 disc one to someone who doesn't want it, because we already have it.

I think I might have converted two people to the religion Arrested Development. I lended my season 1 DVDs to my aunt.

1) "What's it saying?"
"Guh, guh, guh, guh."
"Can it say other things?"
"It's a Goofy Ball, Matthew, not a super computer."
"It makes me giggle."

2) Currently listening to: Queen - The Platinum Collection
Watching: NewsRadio: Seasong 1 and 2
Playing: Myst 4: Revelation

Friday, August 19, 2005

Me Somebody To Love, Find...

I love QUEEN!!!! Sorry, i love them so much.

We got their greatest hits Platinum Collection. 1, 2, and 3. It's excellent. In other news, I got the new Nickel Creek CD yesterday. It's pretty sweet.

Well, yesterday we also had our first two house showings. And the virtual tour is up. I would give you a link but i don't know what the heck the site is.

In other-other news, I'm completely addicted to the Newgorunds Sim v1.2. It has basically no point, but I lurve it soooo much, hee-how.

1) "Count Choculitis?"
"Sounds tough..."
"Why did you do that, Jim? It is because you know i love Count Chocula?"
"Do you?"

- The Office (US)

2) Currently listening to: Why Should the Fire Die? - Nickel Creek

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

How's it Going?

Well, Monday was pretty busy. We had to like, take everything out of the house and rearrange stuff for some guy to come over and take pictures of our house for a virtual tour. It was fun though. I've also been watching all the commentaries on the NewsRadio DVDs. Funny stuff.

Yesterday, meh. Didn't do much. Took some stuff to Goodwill, oh, yeah! I got two Monty Python tapes at Goodwill! Vol. 8 and 9. Episodes 16-19. They're so great. So far my favorite sketch is either Blackmail or Flying Lessons.

1) "To start his daily regimen, Dennis wakes up at 3:00, then goes back to bed, because it's far too early."

2) Currently watching: Upright Citizens Brigade: Season 1, NewsRadio Season 1 and 2, Monty Python's Flying Circus Vol. 8 and 9.

Saturday, August 13, 2005


You are a knife. Down to earth, logical, and
precise. You are extremely intelligent and
always get the right answers to things.

Are you a spoon, a knife, a fork, or a spork?
brought to you by

ur ACDC!

Which Classic Rock Band are you?
brought to you by

Money- by Pink Floyd and 99 problems- by Jay-Z, I
like both of these songs and I think they're
hard not to like, I think you have average
taste and so I had to choose something no one
could argue with. Goodbye

What's your lifes theme song?
brought to you by

For Mystery Science Theater 3000!
Rock on! You know everything about Mystery Science
Theater 3000! ^-^

How much do you know about Mystery Science Theater 3000?
brought to you by

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Hey Kids! Wanna Learn A Lesson About Greed???

Once upon a time at the foot of a great mountain, there was a town where the people known as Happyfolk lived, their very existence a mystery to the rest of the world, obscured as it was by great clouds. Here they played out their peaceful lives, innocent of the litany of excess and violence that was growing in the world below. To live in harmony with the spirit of the mountain called Monkey was enough. Then one day Strangefolk arrived in the town. They came in camouflage, hidden behind dark glasses, but no one noticed them: they only saw shadows. You see, without the Truth of the Eyes, the Happyfolk were blind.Falling out of aeroplanes and hiding out in holesWaiting for the sunset to come, people growing oldJump back from behind them and shoot them in the headNow everybody dancing the dance of the dead,the dance of the dead,the dance of the deadIn time, Strangefolk found their way into the higher reaches of the mountain, and it was there that they found the caves of unimaginable Sincerity and Beauty. By chance, they stumbled upon the Place Where All Good Souls Come to Rest. The Strangefolk, they coveted the jewels in these caves above all things, and soon they began to mine the mountain, its rich seam fueling the chaos of their own world. Meanwhile, down in the town, the Happyfolk slept restlessly, their dreams invaded by shadowy figures digging away at their souls. Every day, people would wake and stare at the mountain. Why was it bringing darkness into their lives? And as the Strangefolk mined deeper and deeper into the mountain, holes began to appear, bringing with them a cold and bitter wind that chilled the very soul of the Monkey. For the first time, the Happyfolk felt fearful for they knew that soon the Monkey would soon stir from its deep sleep. And then came a sound. Distant first, it grew into castrophany so immense it could be heard far away in space. There were no screams. There was no time. The mountain called Monkey had spoken. There was only fire. And then, nothing.O little town in U.S.A, your time has come to seeThere's nothing you believe you wantBut where were you when it all came down on me?Did you call me now?
That song is: Fire Coming Out of a Monkey's Head by Gorillaz
Anyway, that song's awesome beyond all reason.
We have new flyers at our house now. They look really nice, except for the fact that a small part of one of our cats is in one of the pictures. It's great though.
1) "Well, check your lease man, 'cuz you're in {beep} City."
- Arrested Development
2) currently watching: Arrested Dev. Season 1/ sb_email.exe emails 1-100

Tuesday, August 9, 2005

Ramp of Rants Pt. 5

I hate people. Here's why:

Has anyone heard of the video game, "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas"? Of course, you have. It has been rated AO (Adults Only), raised from an M rating (Mature). I am completely aggrivated by this.

Some grandma bought her grandson a copy of this game. Which, mind you, has violence, carjacking, hookers, blood, and all that stuff a 9 year old kid shouldn't be looking at anyway. Then, Oh my God! SEX!!!! Hidden sex scenes are in the game that require a modification that a 9 year old kid couldn't pull off.

First of all, the game is for people 17 and over, that is what the Mature rating entails. Second of all, i would like to quote somebody, i'm not sure who said it, but i like it so much.

"If they find the Hot Coffee mod, they've probably seen stuff much worse than that."


In My life, nothing much is going on. We got a new real estate lady, she's flippin' awesome. Way better than the other one.

1) "Eat the cheeseburger, astro boy!"

- Upright Citizens Brigade (ep 103)

1) currently watching: Shaun of the Dead

Monday, August 8, 2005

Why Did You Say That?

On Friday, devestating news was broken: The buyers of our house lied on their application.

Au contraire. Last night, my family and i were sitting down having our dinner and watching Van Helsing when we had a knock on the door. It was the buyer. He apologized and started saying that it wasn't his fault. Him and my parents had a long discussion and he sounded very credible. I'm afraid to death of realtors now. But the movie was good!

Anyway, now we have to put our house up again and wait for showings and offers and important things of that nature. It's great! Actually, as you can tell from earlier posts, I absolutely hate having to leave and clean every day. HAAARGH!

1) Dave: "Mr. James, I didn't see you come in."
Jimmy: "That's the way i like it, I'm like that magician. What's his name?"
"David Copperfield?"
"That's the one."

2) Currently listening to: Buffy, The Vampire Slayer: Once More, With Feeling (do not laugh)

Wednesday, August 3, 2005

Give Me The News...

I'm going to the doctor today. Not the regular doctah, the endocrinologist. I'm a diabetic, yo. If anyuone has questions, leave comments or email me. I'll be like a hotline. Heh, heh...

Anyway. I've got mad skillz. I can put so many things on MySpace now. I can put puzzles on and music videos and crazy, crazy things.

1) "Let's not take him. He's gonna cramp our style. Styyyle."

- Spongebob Squarepants

2) Currently watching: Spongbob Squarepants.

Tuesday, August 2, 2005

I Regret Saying This.../Yayness!

A while ago, i posted a very long post about someone's opinion on Bright Eye's preformance on Jay Leno. In that post i said that the tradition of folk music is to bash authority. That was incorrect. The tradition of folk music is protesting. But let's just push that aside.

The other day, i just lingered on over to the Serenity website and found out that it was rated PG-13!!! I'm so happy! Because, if it was R, my parents would most likely not let me see it. Their wierd like that sometimes. September 30, 2005. See it!!!!

In other business, not much is going on here. Haven't done any heavy packing since me and my sister got back from Roseburg.

1) "This tastes like the cow got into an onion patch"

- Napoleon Dynamite

2) Currently viewing - NewsRadio: 1st and 2nd Seasons