Thursday, August 25, 2005

What Is With You?

Okay, so house showings are hell, you know? Last night, we got a call, they want to come between 5:30 and 6:30. Sounds good. We're off.
We get home after the time slot, they haven't been here yet. We called them to tell them that it's to late for them to come. Then this morning, they want to come between 10:00 and 11:00. Sounds good, we're off. We come back. They have not been here yet! HAAAAAARGH!!! Then we left for another hour or so. Still haven't been here. I sure hope we don't have to deal with that again.

1) "Call him Pumpkin, he likes that."
"That's what his mom calls him."
"Yeah, but his mom's really hot!"

- NewsRadio

2) Watching: NewsRadio: Seasons 1 and 2


weas said...

People have no sense of time anymore, I swear.

EksFaktr said...

If you're still interested in giving away that copy of Myst 3, I'm definitely interested. Oh, and I'd like a copy of my Conceptions CD if you haven't thrown it away yet. =P

And yes, house showings do indeed suck. Glad I won't have to deal with that for a long time. Not until I have a house anyway.

You guys should come visit some time. Ask Aunt Chris for me. If I give you the address, do you think you could find the apartment by mapquest or something? =)