Tuesday, August 9, 2005

Ramp of Rants Pt. 5

I hate people. Here's why:

Has anyone heard of the video game, "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas"? Of course, you have. It has been rated AO (Adults Only), raised from an M rating (Mature). I am completely aggrivated by this.

Some grandma bought her grandson a copy of this game. Which, mind you, has violence, carjacking, hookers, blood, and all that stuff a 9 year old kid shouldn't be looking at anyway. Then, Oh my God! SEX!!!! Hidden sex scenes are in the game that require a modification that a 9 year old kid couldn't pull off.

First of all, the game is for people 17 and over, that is what the Mature rating entails. Second of all, i would like to quote somebody, i'm not sure who said it, but i like it so much.

"If they find the Hot Coffee mod, they've probably seen stuff much worse than that."


In My life, nothing much is going on. We got a new real estate lady, she's flippin' awesome. Way better than the other one.

1) "Eat the cheeseburger, astro boy!"

- Upright Citizens Brigade (ep 103)

1) currently watching: Shaun of the Dead

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