Wednesday, August 17, 2005

How's it Going?

Well, Monday was pretty busy. We had to like, take everything out of the house and rearrange stuff for some guy to come over and take pictures of our house for a virtual tour. It was fun though. I've also been watching all the commentaries on the NewsRadio DVDs. Funny stuff.

Yesterday, meh. Didn't do much. Took some stuff to Goodwill, oh, yeah! I got two Monty Python tapes at Goodwill! Vol. 8 and 9. Episodes 16-19. They're so great. So far my favorite sketch is either Blackmail or Flying Lessons.

1) "To start his daily regimen, Dennis wakes up at 3:00, then goes back to bed, because it's far too early."

2) Currently watching: Upright Citizens Brigade: Season 1, NewsRadio Season 1 and 2, Monty Python's Flying Circus Vol. 8 and 9.

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