Monday, August 8, 2005

Why Did You Say That?

On Friday, devestating news was broken: The buyers of our house lied on their application.

Au contraire. Last night, my family and i were sitting down having our dinner and watching Van Helsing when we had a knock on the door. It was the buyer. He apologized and started saying that it wasn't his fault. Him and my parents had a long discussion and he sounded very credible. I'm afraid to death of realtors now. But the movie was good!

Anyway, now we have to put our house up again and wait for showings and offers and important things of that nature. It's great! Actually, as you can tell from earlier posts, I absolutely hate having to leave and clean every day. HAAARGH!

1) Dave: "Mr. James, I didn't see you come in."
Jimmy: "That's the way i like it, I'm like that magician. What's his name?"
"David Copperfield?"
"That's the one."

2) Currently listening to: Buffy, The Vampire Slayer: Once More, With Feeling (do not laugh)

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