Saturday, August 13, 2005


You are a knife. Down to earth, logical, and
precise. You are extremely intelligent and
always get the right answers to things.

Are you a spoon, a knife, a fork, or a spork?
brought to you by

ur ACDC!

Which Classic Rock Band are you?
brought to you by

Money- by Pink Floyd and 99 problems- by Jay-Z, I
like both of these songs and I think they're
hard not to like, I think you have average
taste and so I had to choose something no one
could argue with. Goodbye

What's your lifes theme song?
brought to you by

For Mystery Science Theater 3000!
Rock on! You know everything about Mystery Science
Theater 3000! ^-^

How much do you know about Mystery Science Theater 3000?
brought to you by

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