Friday, July 6, 2007

First Time in a Long Time, In a Short Time

Liz and I are leaving for Roseburg on Sunday. It'll be the first time i've seen my family there since October 2005. Holy crap.

While I'm there, i have some goals:

  1. Not get into a discussion of politics with my cousin Drew
  2. If they have internet, not go to /orate after the 9th, because i wanna be surprised with what song the Decemberists are playing on the Tonight Show
  3. Try not to be a total downer, AKA, think about certain people
I can't believe the big barbecue is tomorrow. I'm going to be busy, i think. With that whole mess on Saturday, and the whole 3-hour drive mess on Sunday.

Actually, in regards to number 3: I'll not think about certain people, i'll just talk about them and how awesome they are to other people. I hope that doesn't make me all sad in the face.

I might post while i'm there, i have no idea.

If not, I'll probably talk to you tomorrow, after the whole thing.

1) "Do you remember what you said to me?"
"Not word for word, actually, Jenny. But i do remember there were some verbs."

- Jenny (Flight of the Conchords)

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