Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I Want to See That Movie About 58 Times

That video i just posted is a video from the movie Once, starring Glen Hansard from The Frames. It's a musical, and if the other songs are as good as those, i need to see that movie. It's bound to play at a theater in Portland, right?

Anyway, i'm sorry i haven't really told you guys anything that's ben going on in my life in the past few days. The problem is: Nothing at all has been going on in my life in the past few days. Nothing at all. I wish there was at least something happening, but, there ain't.

Alright, whatever, bye.

1) "Some people say "tomato," other people say, "pizza fruit."

- I Hate My 30's

2) Currently listening to: Nwely acquired Arcade Fire albums

3) currently falling in love with: That song, person.

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