Monday, July 16, 2007

Tending to the Herd

I think i know what i'm doing with my money. Part of the original 20 dollars will be used for me to buy a spindle of CD+Rs. The rest will go towards buying DVDs, i'll probably save up for September, because a ton of things come out then. The Office, 30 Rock, Robot Chicken, etc.

Why a spindle of CD+Rs? Because the computer is massively messed up with whole albums, that need to be extracted toot-suite. Decemberists, Scissor Sisters, BJM, Dandy Warhols, The Shins, Kaiser Chiefs, Meg and Dia, and many others.

I think that's all i have to say.

1) "I went to buy Oreos at 2:00 AM last nigh. The cashier at the store always has to make some cute little comment. They have that name tag that says Shannon on it or something. She's always gotta make some comment like, "somebody's hungry!" Why don't you shut your whore mouth Shannon?"

- Last Comic Standing


Anonymous said...

please for the love of God, who is that quote from? I have been searching all over.

Unknown said...

Greg Warren