Wednesday, July 25, 2007

What Constitues...

In my previous post, I mentioned "a big tub of happy."

A new column, was born. I will now show you what i see in my head when i thnk of a big tub of happy.

I picture a big blue sky, with cloud in the middle of it, with a rainbow in the background.

Two of the angels from We Love Katamari are on either side of the cloud, floating.

In the very center of the cloud, sits a big, blue, plastic tub. One of those with the rope handles. It's full of pillows and unicorn drawings.

Happy music plays while i sit on this happy tub cloud.

1)What's you favorite kind of ice cream?"
"I'd say Chocolate Cherry Garcia, even though, it think technically it's a frozen yogurt...Okay?"

- Little Miss Sunshine

3) currently wondering: Why "Tears on My Pillow" is suck in my head

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