Thursday, July 5, 2007

I Wonder, Why The Change?

My dear cousin Drew. He used to be up on the facts politically, but something's gone...well, wrong.

The family mentioned it while in a discussion about Scooter Libby. I mean, i knew it had happened and how he's totally different.

I went to his Myspace recently and read his blog, and it's the most odd thing i've read in a while.

Now, i don't agree with everything George Bush does, but come on. If you use some logic, and i mean actual logic, not the "information" you've been fed by a teacher, or some other person who should be gracing you with the value of education. I hate any person that forces their opinion on you. My Algebra teacher kept saying how gay people aren't right, and "God didn't make that." Um, if there is a god, yeah, he kinda did make that.

I mean, he's not the best president ever, but he's certainly not the worst. As i may have said before, people that do say he's the worst president ever need to brush up on their history. And actually do some research on what he's done. go here and getback to me.

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